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[音乐] Jack Johnson - Traffic In the Sky [复制链接]

Jack Johnson出生于1975年5月18日,是位土生土长的夏威夷人.从小他就热爱冲浪运动.并且展现出非凡的天赋.17岁时已经在世界各大冲浪大赛崭露头角了. 但是由于一次事故,差点让他一生都毁了.那次事故让他的脸上缝了150针,整整休息了三个月.在这三个月里,Johnson天天抱着吉他,享受着三个月的音乐创作的美好时光. 18岁时,他考入了加洲大学学习电影.99年导演并且担任电影配乐完成了冲浪电影《Thicker Than Water》,初执导演筒的他,赢得各影展最佳导演等大奖. 正当他要在电影圈大展拳脚的时候,他毅然决然的选择了音乐.2001年,发行了首张专辑Brushfire Fairytales,确立了他在音乐界的地位. 现在,他的音乐蒸蒸日上,他不仅是一名冲浪奇才,也不仅是一名导演,更是一名音乐奇才. Mana: 听过他的歌不多,但每一首都给我惊喜。现在送上的是最近最爱的Traffic In the Sky,来自2003年的On and On。 我不是个善于描述自己感受的人,我只能说,听Traffic In the Sky的感觉就像是漂浮在平静的无尽的水面上,望着蓝天的感觉。 其他如Upside Down,Cookie Jar,Do You Remember,Better Together也是精品。 There's traffic in the sky and it doesn't seem to be getting much better there's kids playing games on the pavement drawring waves on the pavement shadows of the planes on the pavement its enough to make me cry but that don't seem like it would make it feel better maybe its a dream and if I scream it will burst at the seams this whole place will fall to pieces and then they'd say... well how could we have known? I'll tell them it's not so hard to tell if you keep on adding stones soon the water will be lost in the well puzzle peices in the ground but no one ever seems to be digging instead they're looking up towards the heavens with their eyes on the heavens there are shadows on the way to the heavens it's enough to make me cry but that don't seem like it would make it feel better The answers could be found we could learn from digging down but no one ever seems to be digging instead they'll say... well how could we have known? I'll tell them it's not so hard to tell if you keep on adding stones soon the water will be lost in the well words of wisdom all around but no one ever seems to listen they're talking about thier planes on paper building up from the pavement there are shadows from the scrapers on the pavement it's enough to make me sigh but that don't seem like it would make it feel better the words are still around but the words are only sounds and dno one ever seems to listen instead they'll say well how could we have known? I'll tell them it's not so hard to tell if you keep on adding stones soon the water will be lost in the well


    最后编辑Mana 最后编辑于 2009-07-19 12:13:49
    本主题由 超级版主 37°2 于 7/20/2009 6:35:03 PM 执行 主题分类 操作


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