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[Activity] ACNB大派送活动——第二场(2009.06.26) 祝 纳斯里 生日快乐 [复制链接]



2009年6月26日,凡在这一天(当天24小时内有效)抽中“8号Samir Nasri球星卡片者,此人可以获得626ACNBRP+1的奖励。

参与奖 凡在这一天(当天24小时内有效)抽中任何一张球星卡片者,此人可以获得126ACNB的奖励快乐奖 只要你过去抽到过8号球星卡片者,就可以获得26ACNB的奖励。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Samir Nasri profile
  • Born:June 26, 1987 (Marseille, France)
  • Position:Midfielder
  • Squad Number:8
  • Previous Club(s):Marseille
  • Joined Arsenal:July 11, 2008
  • Arsenal Debut:W.B.A. (h)|Premier League|August 16, 2008|Won 1-0
  • First Arsenal Goal:W.B.A. (h)|Premier League|August 16, 2008|Won 1-0
Samir was signed in the summer as a ready-made replacement for Alex Hleb The French international midfielder is just as assured in possession, just as inventive - and he has an eye for goal too. The 21-year-old, who made two appearances at Euro 2008, arrives with a big reputation after being voted as French Ligue One's Young Player of the Year in 2007. Samir made 145 appearances for Olympique Marseille, winning the Intertoto Cup in 2005 and helping them finish third in the French League last season. The new Arsenal recruit was a major reason why Marseille will compete in the Champions League this term. Wenger is clearly delighted with his major summer acquisition. "He is young, quick and technically an outstanding player," said the Arsenal manager. "He has shown great potential with his performances for Marseille and the French national team over the past two seasons and he will add great quality to our squad." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 抽中者(只要抽到这张卡片,无须激活),请在“我的球员信息”界面中截图,并在领奖帖中跟帖,经确认属实后,会发放相应的奖励。

最后编辑Vicky 最后编辑于 2009-06-25 13:34:42
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