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一个MU的球员比较范尼和亨利 [复制链接]

Saha is clearly a man of fairness and did not let club loyalty cloud his judgment when asked to compare his Manchester United team-mate with France compatriot striker Thierry Henry. According to Saha, the Dutchman lacks big-match experience, needs to improve his heading, never shoots from outside the penalty box and does little to support his colleagues. He says: "Ruud is strong and uses his body well to shield the ball, but unlike Thierry he can't run 100 metres in eight seconds. "Thierry is a tough all-round athlete. He runs fast, jumps high and has the strength needed to keep possession. He has the ideal profile for a striker." Van Nistelrooy has gone seven Premiership and Champions League games without a goal and his struggles have contributed to the club's failure in both competitions this season. He again looked out of sorts at Highbury on Sunday and missed an easy chance to convert the Ole Gunnar Solskjaer cross which was eventually put in at the far post by Saha in the 86th minute to cancel out Henry's wonder strike. Saha was straight forward in his views on his new club colleague in an interview with a French newspaper. United's £12million signing from Fulham said: 'Ruud has never played in major finals, either with United or with Holland, and he needs to gain experience at the highest level. "Thierry is far more experienced. He's played in the World Cup, Euro 2000 and Confederations Cup Finals and he is battle-hardened - he knows how to approach games like these. "Ruud is well built and scores a lot of goals with his head, but this is not his main quality. He can still improve in this respect. "Thierry, too, can get better, but he receives fewer chances in the air as he often takes corners and free-kicks himself. "Ruud never scores from outside the 18-yard area and never takes free-kicks. It is very rare to see him trying his luck from a distance. "But Thierry sometimes gets in fantastic shots. He's worked a lot on his shooting and this has become a fearsome weapon. "Ruud doesn't take much of a part in the team's collective play. United ask him to play with his back to goal and to win throwins and to be there in the box when he needs to be - his game is all about finishing. "Thierry is different. He will often drop back to get the ball, as he needs space to make good use of his speed. He can create chances, play the final pass or score goals." Credit to Saha for his honesty and finally someone from Manchester United who acknowledges Henry's superiority to Ruud.(哈哈,他居然承认了亨利比范尼要强. 不过事实也是这样的)
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