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       6月22日是ARSENALCN的一周岁生日,在这个特别的日子,音乐区选了这几首歌曲作为小小礼物送给我们站的所有工作人员和每一位支持网站建设的“PERFECT FAN”。虽然我们经过挫折,也还有“LONG LONG WAY TO GO”,但我们相信:“SAILING”是最好的生活状态——梦想就在前方,我们不会停步。祝愿我们的网站越办越好,队伍越来越壮大,也希望每一位阿迷都能梦想成真!



我不愿意活的像一个问号 东张西望找不到自己的跑道 现在我为梦想超速在奔跑 心在燃烧 来吧 唱出感觉 high出味道 yeah 你再叹气就快变一个句号 难道不想看大家都为你尖叫 其实你也会像明星一样酷 让人心跳 来吧 手舞足蹈别怕人笑 yeah 我的舞台我自己建造 要让全世界看到 我的剧本我自己写好 相信自己永远是个主角 我的美丽我自己创造 出乎每个人意料 我的未来我自己照耀 每个明天把我拥抱

When You Believe


many nights we pray with no proof anyone could hear and our hearts a hopeful song we barely understood now we are not afraid although we know there's much to fear we were moving mountains long before we know we could there can be miracles when you believe though hope is frail it's hard to kill who knows what miracles you can achieve when you believe somehow you will you will when you believe in this time of fear when prayer so often proves in vain hope seems like the summer birds too swiftly flown away and now i am standing here my heart's so full i can't explain seeking faith and speaking words i never thought i'd say there can be miracles when you believe (when you believe) though hope is frail it's hard to kill who knows what miracles you can achieve (you can achieve) when you believe somehow you will you will when you believe they don't always happen when you ask and it's easy to give in to your fear but when you're blinded by your pain can't see your way safe through the rain thought of a still resilient voice says love is very near there can be miracles (miracles) when you believe (when you believe) though hope is frail it's hard to kill who knows what miracles you can achieve (you can achieve) when you believe somehow you will you will when you believe just believe



明天就像是盒子里的巧克力糖 什么滋味 充满想象 失望是偶尔拨不通的电话号码 多试几次 总会回答 心里有好多的梦想 未来正要开始闪闪发亮 就算天再高那又怎样 踮起脚尖 就更靠近阳光 许下我第一千零一个愿望(一个愿望) 有一天幸福总会听我的话(听我的话) 不怕要多少时间多少代价 青春是我的筹码 oh~~~ 我只有这第一千零一个愿望(一个愿望) 有一天幸福总会在我手上(在我手上) 每一颗心都有一双翅膀 要勇往直前的飞翔



淅沥的雨丝 像那六弦琴 它叮叮咚咚 是那么动听 斑驳的树影 像梦的森林 引领我走进 五彩的神秘 满天的繁星 掩藏我点点点的秘密 夏日的蝉鸣 吟唱我对未来的希冀 dream my dream every day has a dream has a dream 总觉得有梦好甜蜜 da da da…… 有梦好甜蜜

《奔 跑》

速度七十迈 心情是自由自在 希望终点是爱琴海 全力奔跑梦在彼岸 我们想漫游世界 看奇迹就在眼前 等待夕阳染红了天 肩并着肩许下心愿 随风奔跑自由是方向 追逐雷和闪电的力量 把浩瀚的海洋装进我胸膛 即使再小的帆也能远航 随风飞翔有梦作翅膀 敢爱敢做勇敢闯一闯 哪怕遇见再大的风险再大的浪 也会有默契的目光

We Will Get There

we remember the days, we sat out together with faith remember the times, so fine, when we thought that nothing could stand in our way? then things weren't the same, the life that we knew had to change we've struggled through the darkest storms, we thought we couldn't tame together we've tried, as we stood side by side i knew we'd build a new world, a world of hope forever after deep in my heart i just know, right from the start we will grow look where we are, we've come so far and there's still a long long way to go all of my heart, i will care. i'll play my part, i will share with family and friends,together we'll stand and in the end, hand in hand, we will get there so now we begin, working together to win believing in trust, it must be possible to overcome anything. there's so much to do, there's so much we can contribute by sharing just a little love, we will start again a new so why don't we try? if we stand side by side i know we'll build a new world, a world of hope for ever after

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-6-22 7:15:45编辑过]



以下是引用丑丑虫在2004-6-22 22:28:58的发言:     效果不错啊,一打开就被热烈的歌声包围住,心情也随节奏活泼地跳跃!

以下是引用Leona在2004-6-22 22:37:53的发言:





以下是引用别忘查普曼在2004-7-29 23:14:36的发言: 是我为歌狂的曲子?有梦好甜蜜是 胡彦斌 唱的,这首是谁唱的?


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-31 9:25:11编辑过]

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