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【巧合吗?】阿森纳和巴萨支持者抽签前的对话! [复制链接]

[15:34:24] lance: Hola, [15:34:33] lance: nihao [15:36:06] Octavi Colomina: hola ! [15:36:26] lance: this night, the drawing... [15:36:36] lance: will we meet? [15:37:36] Octavi Colomina: shenme?? [15:37:55] lance: championship league [15:38:25] Octavi Colomina: oh !!! Yes !!! I didn't understand the 'this night' [15:38:41] Octavi Colomina: Yes !!! TOdat is the drawing !! [15:38:57] Octavi Colomina: We'll meet !!! I have this feeling since yesterday !!! [15:39:12] lance: oh... 8-) [15:39:18] Octavi Colomina: :D [15:39:27] lance: I'm expecting that. [15:39:29] Octavi Colomina: Bad news for you !!! ;) [15:39:36] lance: no... [15:39:37] Octavi Colomina: (rofl) [15:39:53] lance: we will revenge. [15:39:57] Octavi Colomina: Iwould prefer CSK or Girondins [15:40:19] Octavi Colomina: or even BAYERN [15:40:22] lance: I prefer MU or Barca. [15:40:53] Octavi Colomina: ostia ! MU or Barça are hard luck ! [15:41:01] lance: To win the title, you have to fight every stronger. [15:41:07] Octavi Colomina: Inter [15:41:44] lance: Now Inter is quite different. [15:41:50] Octavi Colomina: yes, of course ...but beter if you meet the tough ones at the end ! [15:41:56] Octavi Colomina: in the final or semifinal [15:42:12] Octavi Colomina: for now, better CSKA or Girondens [15:42:49] Octavi Colomina: but , as I told you I have the feeling that we'll meet [15:43:07] Octavi Colomina: so...no more guess [15:43:11] Octavi Colomina: :D [15:43:29] lance: OK, we will see. [15:43:30] Octavi Colomina: do not know the time of the drawing [15:43:36] Octavi Colomina: ?¿? [15:44:28] Octavi Colomina: Oh I see at 12 ! ....therefore at your 7 [15:44:37] lance: yes, exactly [15:44:43] lance: I just saw that. [15:45:01] Octavi Colomina: I will contact you when we confirm that we'll meet !!! [15:46:02] lance: So we will see Cesc goes back to Barce, not to join, but to fight against you.. [15:46:06] lance: :D [15:46:35] lance: and henry as well to Fly emirates.
最后编辑lanros 最后编辑于 2010-03-19 19:51:33

Hola,西语是hello的意思,因为我们老板在学中文,所以说了声nihao 而shenme,我估计他是说shime什么的意思,拼音打错了。 从聊天中可以看到巴萨支持者的自信,也许他们认为今年MU和Inter才是真正比较难以对付的

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