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[转会传闻] 阿森纳将签下潜力-10墨西哥小将 考察瑞士小将和巴萨、皇马的青年队小将 [复制链接]

Arsenal are within days of completing a deal to sign Cruz Azul’s 16-year-old Martín Luis Galván Romo in what looks to be a notable coup for the club, according to reports in South America. 阿森纳将很快的完成墨西哥蓝十字队的16岁前锋小将Martín Luis Galván Romo(14岁时在巴塞罗纳试训被拒) . The Mexico Under 17 international is being lauded in his homeland as the one of the most promising youngsters to have been developed in recent years with some already comparing him to Brazilian legend Romario. Galván was promoted to Azul’s first-team at just 13 and he made his competitive debut just a year later as an 85th-minute substitute against Monterrey to become the youngest professional player in Mexican football history. Barcelona and Real Madrid have previously asked Martín for trials but Azul have rebuffed their advances on numerous occasions. A quick an instinctive striker who plays with his heart on his sleeve, many believe the Valentine’s day born prospect will become the darling of Mexico in years to come. His record of 6 goals from 7 Under 17 games is fantastic yet he missed out on the recent Under 17 World Cup after reportedly being caught with a prostitute in his hotel room. The official line from the Mexican Federation was that ‘poor discipline’ caused his omission. A loan spell to Salamanca has been mooted but after Arsenal ended their partnership and instead re-ignited their bond with Celta Vigo, a move to the Pontevedra province of Spain looks the most likely. More news is expecting in the coming days. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 温格对年轻球员的钟爱能达到什么程度?谁都无法推测。有关阿苏林的传闻还未停息,又有3位青年才俊被曝出正受到温格的考察,这一次,皇马巴萨的青年队中都有教授钟爱的猎物。 首先是来自巴萨的委内瑞拉左边锋苏亚雷斯(Jeffrén Suárez)。据Sport网站透露,尽管本赛季代表巴萨一线队在联赛和欧冠都有出场纪录,苏亚雷斯却已决定在冬季离开巴萨。巴萨青训系统的产品向来受到教授的喜爱,苏亚雷斯如今已是温格冬季引援的目标之一,不过这位21岁的球员即便加盟枪手,一时也很难在众星云集的阿森纳队中崭露头角。另外西甲桑坦德竞技也对苏亚雷斯有兴趣。 苏亚雷斯小档案: 生日:1988.1.20 年龄:21 身高:1.75m 国籍:委内瑞拉(西班牙) 位置:左边锋 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 第二位是来自皇马B队的萨拉比亚(Pablo Sarabia),事实上这名17岁的西班牙小将早在15岁时就是阿森纳关注的对象。Cadena SER透露,阿森纳驻西班牙的球探已经持续关注萨拉比亚有多年,温格也从当地不断收到令人振奋的考察报告,报告说,这名西班牙U17国家队的左前卫在边路有着极快的突破速度,另外他的盘带能力也非常出众。 萨拉比亚小档案: 生日:1992.5.11 年龄:17 身高:1.73m 国籍:西班牙 位置:左前卫 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 最后是来自瑞士草蜢队的17岁攻击型中场哈里发(Nassim Ben Khalifa)。据Blick网站的消息,哈里发在本月U17世界杯上的优异表现已经引起了欧洲众多俱乐部的关注,其中包括阿森纳、巴萨、米兰、阿斯顿维拉和朴茨茅斯。在U17世界杯上,哈里发率领瑞士队一举打进决赛,在比赛中几乎能包办全队所有有威胁的进攻。由于目前草蜢队财政状况不理想,他们可能被迫在冬季出售哈里发换取资金。 哈里发小档案: 生日:1992.1.13 年龄:17 身高:1.88m 国籍:瑞士(突尼斯) 位置:攻击型中场、前锋 以上三位年轻球员不约而同都是攻击型球员,以目前阿森纳的实际状况而言,纵使冬季有人入队,温格也多半是用来当做未来的储备。不过温格喜爱攻击型天才的特点多年未变,加上他一贯敢于使用年轻球员的做法,阿森纳相比其他豪门,对这些年轻球员的吸引力要大许多。无论最终这些球员能否成为枪手的一员,温格的关注都有助于他们今后更好的发展
最后编辑37°2 最后编辑于 2009-11-16 01:28:37
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