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12/15[tf] 博格坎普:亨利是百年最佳 [复制链接]

12/15  [tribalfootball] Arsenal's Bergkamp: Henry best in 100 years December 15, 2003 Arsenal's match-winner last night, Dennis Bergkamp, has hailed teammate Thierry Henry as the best player in the world. The Dutchman said, "There haven't been many players as good as him in the last 100 years. "With all the qualities and skills he has, it's a pleasure to play alongside him. It is not like we are building a team to win something in the next three or four years. "It's all about now. This could be the ideal team, the ideal squad and if you go selling players like Thierry Henry then it all goes out of the window. "It would also send out a terrible message to the fans and the players. You couldn't replace him. "You couldn't buy a player now who is as good as him. He is probably the best in the world. "You would have to start all over again. He adds so much to the team, there is no one outside this club who you could bring in who would be better." 博格坎普:亨利是百年最佳 博格坎普在昨天阿森纳比赛中攻入制胜一球,同时他也赞扬队友亨利为世界上最佳球员。 这为荷兰球星说到:“在过去的100年中,亨利是最佳球员。” “他有实力有技术,能和他一起踢球真是太棒了。我们这样一支球队,不出三四年一定取得好成绩。 “看看现在的球队。我们可以成为一支完美的球队,拥有最好的阵容,但如果像亨利这样的球员离开,那情况就完全不同了。 “这对于球迷和队员们来说都不是个好消息。亨利是无可取代的。 “现在不肯定买到一名像他一样优秀的球员。他也许是这世界上最棒的了。 “(如果没有亨利)我们也许要从头再来。他对于球队的贡献是巨大的,没有任何一名球员可以做得更好了。”
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