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情绪音乐-绝对经典! [复制链接]

1、Windflowers —— by Seals&Crofts 西爾斯與克羅夫二重唱 风之花,风之花,父亲对我说别走近它,美丽迷惑了每个年轻的梦人,它的芬芳犹如水汽,在沙漠中蒸发。jim seals &dashcrofts,一个嗓音低沉,充满了沧桑感;一个天真烂漫,充满了梦幻和活力。而隐约的女声,绰绰的藏着。先是隐隐约约的弦乐,风琴和键盘的合奏,然后一把带着俄罗斯民谣色彩的木吉他轻轻的和进来,歌手充满感情的吟诵,梦幻般的柔情似水的诉说着风之花的神秘! 少年为了这样的梦想往往会做一些不切实际的行动,比如轻易出门流浪,或者是放纵自己。 很多人都因此与家庭决裂。但时光流逝,自己渐渐成熟,快做父亲了,才发现, 亲情是永远不能放弃的,而骨肉至亲也是这世界上最重要的事物,没有任何理由值得将之离弃。 Windflowers,windflowers   my father told me not to go   near them   He said he feared them always   and he told me that they   carried him away Windflowers,beartiful    windflowers    I couldn't wait to touch them    to smell them I held them    closely    And now I cannot break away    Their sweet bouquet disappears    like the vapor in the desert    So take a warning ,son Windflowers ,ancient   windflowers   their beauty capture every   young dreamer   who lingers near them   But ancient windflowers,   I love you 风飞花,风飞花, 父亲对我说别走近它 他说他总有些害怕 他说他迷恋过它 风飞花,美丽的风飞花 我急切地要抚摸它 贴近脸颊闻久嗅 如今我已无法自拔 它的芳香犹如水汽 沙漠中蒸发 所以,孩子,听句劝告吧 风飞花,古老的风飞花 美丽迷惑了每个年轻的梦人 久久的徘徊在它的身旁 而我爱你, 古老的风飞花 http://www.95j.net/mp3/music%20heaven/windflowers.mp3 2、Let It Be Me —— by Julio Iglesias胡里奥·伊格莱西亚斯 84年,Julio Iglesias一首“To All the Girls I've Loved Before”征服了全世界。据说Julio极为好色,或许应证了魔鬼辞典上的话: 好色从广义讲就是喜欢世界上一切美好的事物。 let it be   when i find myself in times of trouble, mother mary comes to me speaking words of wisdom, let it be and in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me speaking words of wisdom, let it be let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be whisper words of wisdom, let it be and when the broken hearted people living in the world agree there will be an answer, let it be for though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see there will be an answer, let it be let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be there will be an answer, let it be let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be whisper words of wisdom, let it be let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be whisper words of wisdom, let it be (music) and when the night is cloudy there is still a light that shines on me shine until tomorrow, let it be i wake up to the sound of music, mother mary comforts me speaking words of wisdom, let it be let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be there will be an answer, let it be let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be whisper words of wisdom, let it be http://www.95j.net/mp3/let%20it%20be%20me.mp3 3、Don't marry her —— by Beautiful South Beautiful South的作品在甜美悦耳背后总带有几分黑色幽默与荒诞不经。这首歌在音乐格式上依然沿用清新婉约的Pop-Rock编曲, 其中一句“Don't marry her,XXX me”,简单露骨却直接现实 http://www.95j.net/mp3/Beautiful%20South%20-%20Don't%20Marry%20Her.mp3 4、Looking For The Summer —— by Chris Rea 浮躁尘世像盛夏炎热令人心情不定,这时远处传来了CHRIS REA苍凉的歌声, 他的音乐深受蓝调摇滚的熏陶,磁性优美的低沉嗓音,真实的感染力远远超越了时代。 布鲁斯风味的《LOOKING FOR THE SUMMER》,歌词简约平实但充满玄机。 http://www.95j.net/mp3/music%20h ... %20the%20summer.mp3 5、Son of a Preacher Man —— by Dusty Springfield 她早期混迹于英国GIRL-GROUP圈儿,69年,那帮唱着流行歌的女孩纷纷过气, 有人叫她去了孟菲斯,于是在那灵歌之都便诞生了一张30年后还叫人睡不着的经典—— Dusty in Memphis,或许这已经是白人灵歌的顶尖时刻。 这首歌儿的跳脱和流溢着的成熟骚灵味道简直叫人忘了歌者的肤色, 当然骨子里还藏着一份英国式的典雅。 http://www.95j.net/mp3/Son%20of%20a%20Preacher%20Man.mp3 6、Where The Wild Roses Grow —— by Nick Cave & Kylie Minogue 这首地狱式情歌讲的是一位男子与一位让他心仪的女子短暂相遇, 三天以后,他出于自卑,狠心地把她杀了。 在一片哀怨浪漫却充满恐惧色彩的弦乐声中,艺术达到了最大的感染力。 On the last day I took her where the wild roses grow and she lay on the bank,the wind light as a thief As I kissed her goodbye,I said,“All beauty must die” and lent down and planted a rose between her teeth http://www.95j.net/mp3/nickcave/ ... %20ROSES%20GROW.mp3 7、Rhythm of The Rain —— by The Cascades 第一次听到这首歌,就喜欢上那欢快的旋律,连坏心情也想一起跳舞! Ooh..listen to the falling rain..pitter-patter..Ooh http://www.95j.net/mp3/Rhythm%20of%20The%20Rain.mp3 8、Hazard —— by Richard Marx 许多人对Richard Marx的了解源于那首耳熟能详的《Right Here Waiting》, 我在此推荐另一首Pop Rock的《Hazard》,虽然Marx能出色演绎 《Endless Summer Nights》或《Keep Coming Back》之类的Ballat作品, 但此曲“海瑟小镇”更能体现他原有的Hard Rock风格。 http://www.95j.net/mp3/Hazard.mp3 9、I've Never Been To Me—— by Charlene 非常好听的一首歌!Hey lady, I've been to paradise But I've never been to me 即使到了世界的另一边,发现好多还只是谎言。自我在哪里。。。。。。 http://www.95j.net/mp3/hilady.mp3 10、I Am Woman —— by KISS 旁白: 如今,我们分手了,希望我能幸福,能够找到比你更好的人。 你也像其他的男人一样,忘了说过的一切。说实话,我不希望你能够幸福。 我担心你能找到比我更漂亮的女孩子,幸福的过日子,那你就会真的把我忘记的。 我是那么的难过,心如刀割,我想,我爱你爱得太深了。 不要利用女人为爱不惜一切的善良本性,生为一个女人,被人爱是如此的难呀。 虽然我在骂你,但我心里是那么的想你,因为,把爱视为全部的我——是女人。 申贤俊:有一个女人,虽然我不能和她在一起,但,我还深爱着她 。 http://www.95j.net/interest/mtv/KISS.asf 11、November Rain —— by Guns N' Rose Cause nothing lasts forever and we both know hearts can changeand it's hard to hold a candle in the cold November Rain 此曲时长9分钟,因出色的歌词获得了美国最佳社会先驱奖, 并在billboard排行榜上停留了近三年(147周) http://www.95j.net/mp3/NOVEMBER%20RAIN.mp3 12、Luna —— by Formila 意大利歌曲 http://www.95j.net/mp3/moonshine.MP3  13、Still Loving You —— by Scorpions 这支享誉多年的德国重金属乐队最擅长的其实不仅是繁复的技巧、重型的吉他,他们有时会静得宛如躲在墙角唱歌的孤独小子。《still loving you》是Scorpions 众多Slow Metal情歌中的一首,逐层推进的气氛,不紧不慢的吉他solo, 听一听,即使你不是fans也会找到他们**四射的根源! http://www.95j.net/mp3/still%20loving%20u.mp3  14、Toy Soldiers —— by Martika清新脱俗的童声合唱,配合Martika的低吟,更添“玩偶”的悲凉之感. http://www.95j.net/mp3/Toy%20Soldiers.mp3



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