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because you loved me - celine dion - Grammy1997 for all those times you stood by me for all the truth that you made me see for all the joy you brought to my life for all the wrong that you made right for every dream you made come true for all the love i found in you i'll be forever thankful baby you're the one who held me up never let me fall you're the one who saw me through through it all you were my strength when i was weak you were my voice when i couldn't speak you were my eyes when i couldn't see you saw the best there was in me lifted me up when i couldn't reach you gave me faith 'coz you believed i'm everything i a because you loved me you gave me wings and made me fly you touched my hand i could touch the sky i lost my faith, you gave it back to me you said no star was out of reach you stood by me and i stood tall i had your love i had it all i'm grateful for each day you gave me maybe i don't know that much but i know this much is true i was blessed because i was loved by you you were always there for me the tender wind that carried me a light in the dark shining your love into my life you've been my inspiration through the lies you were the truth my world is a better place because of you

王菲 的 旋木

拥有华丽的外表和绚烂的灯光我是匹旋转木马身在你天堂只为了满足孩子的梦想爬到我背上就带你去翱翔 我忘了只能园地奔跑的那忧伤我也忘了自己是永远被锁上不管我能够陪你有多长至少能让你幻想与我飞翔 奔跑的木马让你忘了伤在这一个供应欢笑的天堂看著他们的羡慕眼光不需放在心上 旋转的木马没有翅膀但却能够带著你到处飞翔音乐停下来你将离场我也只能这样

梁咏琪 的 魔幻季节

生活像悬疑的小说下一页剧情是什么 我相信没有人晓得世界究竟怎么了 也许是我也闷得太久也许是我今天着了魔 好想失踪几秒钟 孩子似地闭上眼向前走 回到自己那一国 那个好久忘了去梦的路口 我喜欢孤单冒险追踪梦的线索 我的注册商标是自由 再也不想做无聊的那个我 我走向魔幻季节原来那么快乐 我连呼吸都是幸福的 换一个角度去看另一个地球 爱情的范围谁划的出呢 我爱的人剩下了几个 我翻阅记忆的底片 美的丑的我通通记得 也许是我也闷得太久许是我今天着了魔 我好想失踪几秒钟 孩子似的闭上眼向前走 屋顶上的我镜子里的我 留短发的我最胆小的我 不回头的我 oh..不回头的我

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