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[消息]阿森納願意為溫格提供更多資金 [复制链接]


Arsenal will spend big for Wenger By Ian Ferris - September 2, 2004

Arsenal are prepared to break their transfer record in January to ensure that Arsene Wenger can keep pace with Manchester United. 阿森纳正准备在一月份打破他们的转会记录以确保温格能同曼联並駕齊驅。

Gunners managing director Keith Edelman said: "The future is bright. We are financially very healthy so we can invest further money if the manager chooses to do that in the transfer market. 槍手的經理理事埃德曼說:“未來一片光明。我們的財政狀況非常健康,如果教練選擇在轉會市場上有所動作,我們能夠投資更多的資金。”

"We potentially have more at our disposal than we have spent in the past. Clearly, Chelsea have completed a lot of very expensive transfer moves over the summer. But our strategy remains the same - to compete with the leading European clubs." “比起以往我們所花費的資金,我們現在擁有更多的潛在資金。當然,切爾西經過這個夏天後完成了很多昂貴的轉會動作。但是我們的策略依舊沒有改變--競逐歐洲頂級俱樂部。”   

[此贴子已经被上午八点于2004-9-2 11:11:53编辑过]

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