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12/15[tf] 温格:“我喜欢和弗格森斗智。” [复制链接]

12/15 [triballfootball] Arsenal's Wenger: I enjoy mind games with Man Utd boss December 15, 2003 Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger admits he enjoys the war of words with Manchester United counterpart Sir Alex Ferguson. He revealed: "Alex and I play games with each other. We want our own team to perform well but if we can make the other side play less well with some comments, we will do it. "When he says things about Arsenal, I have learned to take no notice. I can't say I like Sir Alex because I don't know him. "But I certainly respect him because we share the same passions of football and winning. "The problem with this job is when we meet another manager it's match day and we are rivals. We're not in the spirit to talk and be friendly. "And whenever Arsenal meet Manchester United there is always something at stake. "But now there is a third team up there in Chelsea. So I will let those two clubs fight each other!" 温格:“我喜欢和弗格森斗智。” 阿森纳主教练温格承认说,他喜欢与曼联主教练弗格森斗智。 他透露说:“我与弗格森是在玩一场游戏。我们都希望各自的球队表现更好些,不过,如果我们说的话能让对方表现稍差些,那也不错。 “当他评论阿森纳时,我会毫不放在心上。因为我并不了解弗格森,所以谈不上喜欢他。 “但我的确是非常尊敬他的,因为我们两人都对足球充满激情,都渴望胜利。 “当我们两支球队要交锋时,作为两队的主教练就会产生些问题。我们并不是有意要斗嘴巴,而且我们之间很友好。 “当阿森纳遇到曼联时总会发生些什么。 “不过,现在有第三支队伍切尔西。所以我想看看曼联和切尔西之间的争夺。”
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