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12/15 [tf] 亨利感人发言啊!!! [复制链接]

12/15 [tf] 亨利感人发言啊!!! Arsenal star Henry: I could never leave Highbury tribalfootball.com - December 16, 2003 Arsenal star Thierry Henry insists he will never attempt to angle a move away from Highbury. He said: "As long as people are happy with me at Arsenal I want to stay there. "Arsenal gave me a hand when I was down and if I am among the last three players alongside Ronaldo and Zinedine Zidane for the Fifa World Football Player of the Year award, it is thanks to them. "I want to feel priceless for them and them to be proud of me. "I don't really know what is happening in the background with the transfers and money but I know what I want, and both me and Arsenal are on the same line." He added: "I have got that feeling of passion for Arsenal, I could talk about it all day "They gave me the chance to be myself by making me play as a centre forward. "I feel so happy in London, the boss (Arsene Wenger) trusts me as well as the fans and I want to make them all happy when I am on the pitch. "Obviously we have to win the Champions League and bring some more amazing players to be recognised better," he added. "This is a big plan and as far as I am concerned I am fully part of it, there is no way I am going to leave the house now." 阿森纳球星亨利:我永远不离开海布里 阿森纳球星亨利表示,他永远不会有离开海布里的想法。对此他说到:“只要大家希望我留在阿森纳,我就会一直留在这里。” “在我遇到低谷时,是阿森纳帮助了我。我能有幸进入世界足球先生评选的最后三人名单,与罗纳尔多和齐达内竞争,那也是阿森纳给我的机会。 “阿森纳对于我是无比珍贵的,我也希望他们为我自豪。 “我真的不太清楚转会的幕后操作及转会费,但我知道自己想要什么,我与阿森纳是一条战线的。” . 同时他也补充说:“我每天都沉浸在对阿森纳的热情中。 “在阿森纳,我可以踢自己喜欢的中锋位置。 “在伦敦我很开心,教练(温格)和球迷都信任我,我在球场上会通过自己的表现让他们高兴。 “显然,我们应该赢得欧洲冠军杯,欢迎更多优秀球员加盟以增强实力。” “这是一个长远的计划,我希望可以参与其中,现在我不可能会离开。”

是啊是啊,亨利都说那么感动的了! 大家快写邮件去祝福他呀!!! 我正在酝酿中!!!

以下是引用枪神亨利在2004-2-3 13:16:21的发言: 说实话,平时在学校里碰到的阿森钠球迷很少,稍感孤独,在这里才感受到了温暖,触目可及之处都是那些熟悉的名字,都是阿森钠的忠实,让我久久留恋,我非常喜欢这种氛围,我非常非常希望能在生活里交到更多的真心的阿森钠球迷,真的,如果可以的话,能不能写信交流一下呢?? 浙江嘉兴第一中学高三十二班  徐虞良收 作为一个一生一世都是阿森钠球迷的我,真心希望能受到您的来信,一同分享快乐,承担痛苦,不要怀疑我的真诚!!!

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