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温格谈切尔西(太讽刺啦!强烈推荐!) [复制链接]

2003年12月25日  [太阳报] Sail of the Century ARSENE WENGER expects to open his newspaper any day now and discover that billionaires Chelsea have made yet another superstar buy. But the Arsenal boss will not let that ruin his New Year celebrations after ruling out any further Highbury signings this season. In fact the laid-back Frenchman has told his directors to keep their money for now and says he would only spend their cash on a luxury cruise anyway! Wenger, preparing for the visit of Wolves today, said: “If I had the financial backing of Chelsea I’d buy a yacht and go on holiday. “I’m well aware that Chelsea have more potential than everyone else to increase the quality of their team in January. “I could just open my paper and say ‘Oh, they’ve signed him now. I wonder where he will play in their side?’ “There is some money available if the ideal player comes along at the right price. But I don’t see any reasonable targets right now. “I don’t want to spend money for the sake of it and it would be stupid to buy a player who is no better than those we already have.” In any case, Wenger is convinced he has already pulled off the best signing of the season in £1.5million keeper Jens Lehmann. 某日,温格翻开报纸,发现报道说,切尔西又购买了一位球星。 但即使温格已明确表示阿森纳本赛季不会再引入球员,这位主教练仍然等待着新年的庆祝。 逍遥自在的法国人告诉董事们暂时把钱收好,他只想买一艘豪华游轮。 温格现在正率领阿森纳备战与狼队的比赛,他谈到:“如果我们也像切尔西那么有钱,我想买部游艇去度假。” [ 阿布看了会吐血吗???] “1月份的时候,切尔西最有能力买入球员来增强实力。” “我只需要翻开报纸,想着‘他们又买了名球员,那他在球队该打什么位置呢?” [一语道破重点!赞!!除了切尔西自己,每个人都有这样的疑问!] “如果我们找到了理想的球员,而且价格合理,我们是有钱买的。但我现在还没有发现引援目标。” “我不会乱花钱去买球员,如果买入的球员并不比现有的球员强,那花钱把他买来是非常愚蠢的。” [Haha~~是蠢!浪费!] 温格认为,本赛季阿森纳以150万英镑签下门将莱曼是最为明智的选择。 [温格真不愧是最精明的主教练啊!太棒啦!!]

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