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[枪迷心声] [A N R] 为什么亨利不适合当阿森纳的队长 [复制链接]


Henry is not THE best captain, but for now, he is a best choice we can make...

who else can be the captain?

L1 and T5 are the only options. L1 is very aggressive...sometimes too aggressive and can not control his temper. Besides, we do not know if he is still here next year. So he can not be the captain...

I like T5 very much. Maybe he will be the captain in future. But still, he is also a good guy. He is not Tony Adams. If we want someone like Adams, T5 is not that kind of people, at least for now.

G19...too quite...

F15 or Senderos, maybe in future, now they are too young to be a captain of players like Henry...Adams became captain when he was very young, but he was so special...F15 and S6 show some leaderships but not like him.

In future we have many choices, T5, S6, F15, D2...do not forget, Denilson is the captain of Bazil U19, F16 was the captain of France U19...D2 is the captain of France U19...Connolly is the captain of our reserve team...and I am sure S6 will be the captain of Swiss...Rosicky is also the captain of Cezch sometimes

Henry is still learning to be a captain...he is much better now than last year...I think he will still be the captain in next 2 years. So rather than complain about him, we should support and encourage him. It is no sense to complain now

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