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[枪迷心声] 阿森纳年报剖析:的确比以前更富有 但财务压力更大 [复制链接]


以下是引用37°2在2007-9-28 0:08:00的发言:


•  Group turnover and operating profit at record levels:

- Turnover increased by 46% to £200.8 million (2006 – £137.2 million)
- Group operating profits* increased by 274% to £51.2 million (2006 - £13.7 million)

•  Match day revenues from the Club’s first season at Emirates Stadium were £90.6 million,
representing £3.1 million per game and being more than double the £44.1 million achieved in the previous year at Highbury.

•  £260 million of bonds with long-dated maturities and a weighted average fixed interest rate of 5.3% were issued in the year to refinance all of the Group’s stadium related debt providing a significant reduction in annual debt service costs for the long term.

•  The Group’s cash balances rose to £73.9 million (2006 - £35.6 million).

•  91% of the units at “The Stadium - Highbury Square” are already pre-sold. The final completion sales value for all units is expected to comfortably exceed £300 million.

•  Arsène Wenger has extended his contract as Arsenal manager through to 2011 and will become the longest serving manager in the Club’s history. 



[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-28 0:34:36编辑过]

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