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暂时告别巴黎 [复制链接]

生活了3年的城市, 今天最后一晚 无数次的宿醉街头 那艾菲尔铁塔浪漫的灯光 在塞纳河边看着左岸的风光 还有那每天都坐的地铁9号线 Opera广场的壮丽,我怎能忘记 圣米歇尔的午后咖啡店 Les Halles的电影院我度过了多少周末 我有点想哭 巴黎,等着我 再回来的时候我会娶你 带着我的100万美金 我是ACN的Bernard,所以我说到做到 HARRY: I can still recall Our last summer I still see it all Walks along the Seine Laughing in the rain Our last summer Memories that remain We made our way along the river And we sat down in the grass by the Eiffel tower I was so happy we had met It was the age of no regret Oh, yes Those crazy years That was the time of the flower-power But underneath We had a fear of flying Of growing old A fear of slowly dying We took our chance Like we were dancing our last dance HARRY & DONNA: I can still recall Our last summer I still see it all HARRY: In the tourist jam DONNA: Round the Notre Dame HARRY & DONNA: Our last summer Walking hand in hand DONNA: Paris restaurants HARRY & DONNA: Our last summer HARRY: Morning croissants HARRY & DONNA: Living for the day Worries far away Our last summer We could laugh and play DONNA: And now you're working in a bank The family man, a football fan And your name is Harry How dull it seems Yet, you were the hero of my dreams HARRY & DONNA: I can still recall Our last summer I still see it all Walks along the Seine Laughing in the rain Our last summer Memories that remain

我每时每刻都在想你 。
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