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皮雷采访:为四冠王而战 [复制链接]

26-03-2004 Pires ready for four-fold test by Xavier Rivoire 皮雷:为四冠王而战 Arsenal FC's French international midfield player Robert Pires can win four trophies this season: the European Champion Clubs' Cup, the English Premiership title, the FA Cup and the UEFA European Championship in Portugal. 阿森纳的法国中场皮雷本赛季有机会获得四项冠军:欧洲冠军杯,英超联赛,足总杯与欧洲杯。 For the 30-year-old, who shone for FC Metz and Olympique de Marseille before moving to join Arsène Wenger's French foreign legion at Highbury in July 2000, all of that excitement has not tainted his performances on the pitch - although, as uefa.com discovered, it may have played tricks on his memory. 这位30岁的球员因在梅兹和马塞的出色表现,2000年7月来到海布里,加盟了温格教练的法国军团。这一切都让人感到如此激动兴奋,但皮雷在球场上仍然积极努力。uefa.com通过采访发现,这段经历对皮雷有着重大的影响。 uefa.com: Before UEFA EURO 2004, on 26 May, there is a very important match. Do you know what it is? Robert Pires: Ah yes, France v Brazil! 2004欧洲杯赛之前,在5月26日会有一场重要的比赛,你知道吗? 皮雷:是法国 v 巴西。 uefa.com: No, it is the final of the UEFA Champions League! Do you think the new format has improved the competition? Pires: I think it was beneficial for everybody. It is much more interesting and exciting for the spectators. Games are played over two legs, rather than having a second group stage which is much longer and where there were usually two favourites anyway. 不对,应该是欧洲冠军杯的决赛!赛制改革对比赛更有利吗? 皮雷:对每个人都有好处。首先对球迷来说比赛更精彩激烈。比赛由原先的第二轮小组赛改为两回合淘汰赛,之前的比赛时间更久,每小组前两名可以出线。 uefa.com: How did you hear that Arsenal had been drawn against Chelsea in the quarter-finals? Pires: We heard about it when we were training on the pitch. We all thought that it was going to be a tough game - very tough. We have a psychological edge because we have played them three times and beaten them three times this season, but from this could well come the danger for us. We knew that the two games would be difficult. We will have to be careful and forget that we beat them in the Premiership and in the FA Cup. 当你得知1/4决赛对阵切尔西,有什么想法? 皮雷:得到抽签结果时我们正在球场上训练。大家都明白这将是艰苦的比赛。在本赛季我们与切尔西的三次交锋中都取得胜利,因此在心理上占据优势,但或许这也会对我们不利。与切尔西主客场的两场比赛很难打。我们必须小心谨慎,不再去想我们曾在联赛和足总杯上战胜过他们。 uefa.com: EURO 2004 is just around the corner. Do you talk about it much with your Arsenal team-mates? Pires: To be honest with you, at the moment we don't because we have so much to do and to think about. Arsenal are having a very good season that we have kind of put EURO 2004 to one side. We think more about the Premiership, the Champions League and the FA Cup. It is important for us not to mix things. Today, we play for Arsenal. In June I will be playing in the French colours, against the English, the Croats and the Swiss. But for the moment we have to forget about EURO 2004. 2004年欧洲杯就快到了。你和阿森纳的队友们讨论过欧洲杯吗? 皮雷:说实话,我们有太多比赛要打,有太多需要考虑,所以现在并没有谈起过欧洲杯。阿森纳本赛季表现很好,我们现在先不去考虑2004欧洲杯,更多的想着英超联赛,冠军杯与足总杯。俱乐部和国家队的比赛应该分清楚。现在我们是在为阿森纳俱乐部踢球。而到6月,我就是为法国国家队而战了,我们的对手将是英格兰、克罗地亚和瑞典。不过,现在还是先别去想2004欧洲杯。 uefa.com: You set up David Trezeguet's winner for France in the final of EURO 2000. After such a high, was it hard to come back down to earth? Pires: It is true that after EURO 2000 it was difficult for me - my injury, our failure at the 2002 [FIFA] World Cup. Then a new coach was appointed [Jacques Santini]. He brought in a new system, new tactics and I felt like a new player. I almost had to start from scratch again. I had to show that I deserved to be in the side. For me it is very important because I know that it will all lead to EURO 2004. 2000年欧洲杯决赛正是你助攻特雷泽盖打进制胜一球。面对之前如此出色的表现,如何在以后的比赛中保持冷静呢? 皮雷:2000欧洲杯我遇到一些困难,比如伤病、比如法国队在2002世界杯的惨败。现在法国队任命了新的主教练[桑蒂尼]。他带来了新的打法,新的技术,我感觉自己就像是刚开始学习足球,必须再次重头开始练习。我必须证明自己在队中的位置。法国队将进军2004欧洲杯,因此我必须努力表现争取为国效力。 uefa.com: Do you see EURO 2004 as your last major international tournament or are you looking to play in the 2006 World Cup too? Pires: Let's say that I do not want to stop now. I think that I have the qualities and the fitness to go and play in the World Cup in Germany. I really want to. But the decision is not up to me. The coach will decide but it is true that I really want to take part in the qualification campaign that will start in September. 2004年欧洲杯是否将是你最后一次参加世界级的大赛?2006年世界杯你还会参加吗? 皮雷:现在我还不想放弃足球。我有实力,身体状态也很好,应该可以踢到德国世界杯。那是我的目标。但这并不是我自己能够决定的。教练会选择适合的球员,当然了,我渴望参加9月份的预选赛。 Source: UEFA [em21][em21][em21][em21][em21][em21][em21][em21][em21]
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