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今晚大战对方军情和历史上海布里交战纪录 [复制链接]

过去6年在海伯利球场交锋记录: 1997—1998赛季 阿森纳3比2胜曼联(阿内尔卡、维埃拉、普拉特——谢林汉姆(2)) 1998—1999赛季 阿森纳3比0胜曼联(亚当斯、阿内尔卡、永贝里) 1999—2000赛季 阿森纳1比2负曼联(永贝里——基恩(2)) 2000—2001赛季 阿森纳1比0胜曼联(亨利) 2001—2002赛季联赛 阿森纳3比1胜曼联(永贝里、亨利(2)——斯科尔斯) 2001—2002赛季联赛杯第三轮 阿森纳4比0胜曼联(维尔托德(3)、卡努) 2002—2003赛季 阿森纳2比2平曼联(亨利(2)——范尼、吉格斯) 裁判是 Graham Poll SAF 透露将让 Carroll 继续首发 Carroll在一场clean sheet后信心爆棚了,表示要争到一号门将的位置。 "I don't see myself as second choice, I have never seen myself that way," said Carroll. "I was first choice at Wigan and Hull City. "I came here and learned my trade for the first couple of seasons and hope to be number one sooner rather than later. "I try not to put myself under pressure. I will just go out there and try to do my job." 可能用SAHA代替RUUD Ferguson revealed the club are trying to put Louis Saha in cotton wool to save him from going under the knife on his troublesome Achilles injury. Saha has missed the last few games for United with the problem and Ferguson is hoping rest will cure the problem so that the Frenchman is available for the rest of the season. "We are trying to bite the bullet with Louis. If we don't sort the problem it will become worse," added Ferguson. "We would like to avoid an operation so we are just having to be patient with him. "We want him to be ready for Highbury but the most important thing is just to get him fit or it could be a problem for the lad." Saha hopes to be back in action within a week as he feels the injury is getting better."It is a little short for this weekend, but I am feeling better. I am on the way to recovery," said Saha.

今天可能产生矛盾的人都避开了 不过EDU 好像也火大 不知道后为是KEOWN上来还是CYGAN
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