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[音乐] 悄悄问一句这里有喜欢 The Decemberists 的么 [复制链接]

记得以前有个 Amsterdam童鞋 发过 06 年专辑 The Crane Wife. 后来我就一直留意这个乐队。真正爱得不得了是因为 那首 13 分钟的 The Island, Come and See. 旋律出众,独特的宿命感。 刚才无聊去水手音乐瞎晃了一会,发现他们居蓝出新专辑了,The Hazards of Love. 于是乎我又兴高采烈地骑上了小电驴儿。。 可能是因为几乎不跟周围的人聊音乐,所以对现在到底流行啥也一概不晓得。The Decemberists,貌似不算个响亮的名字,就跟他们的音乐一样,总让我想到冬天,旧式的火车,泛黄的照片, 安静的枯草,不明媚的阳光,近在咫尺却看不清晰,总之都是感觉上有些年头的东西。每每给人错觉是身在第二次工业革命的美国,相当诡异地有新生感地 old fashion。旋律的远长,反复,停顿,回转,细听还有大提琴和手风琴声的悠扬。他们的东西其实很朴素但却不会索然寡味。 下面随便介绍点 The Decemberists 来自Portland Oregon, the States. 乐队是01年成立的,成员四男一女,说实话都不咋养眼饿,所以mv一般都是看完就删掉了 =.= .... 到今年三月, 专辑加EP大概是七张,反正我只有这么多了。 Castaways and Cutouts  其中的 The Legionnaire's Lament是大爱 Five Songs Her Majesty the Decemberists   推荐下 As I Rise Picaresque   喜欢 The Engine Driver, Of Angels  and Angles The Crane Wife    这是听的第一张,the Island, Come and See就是这里的 The Train   就一首,将近19分钟 The Hazards of Love  这是最新的啦,还没下完 试听暂时没有,网速比生物进化的速度还慢。。。 Official Website:  http://www.decemberists.com/


    最后编辑焰色夏树 最后编辑于 2009-03-23 22:07:25

    old fashion美~

    我每时每刻都在想你 。

    summer song美

    呀,有同好,不错不错。 找来几个歌,试听一下 The Legionnaire's Lament I'm a legionnaire  Camel in disrepair  Hoping for a frigidaire to come passing by  I am on reprieve  Lacking my joie de vive  Missing my gay paris  In this desert dry  And I wrote my girl  Told her I would not return  Terribly taken a turn  For the worse now I fear  It's been a year or more  Since they shipped me to this foreign shore  Fighting in a foreign war  So far away from my home  If only summer rain would fall  On the houses and the boulevards  And the side walk bagatelles it's like a dream  With the roar of cars  And the lulling of the cafe bars,  The sweetly sleeping sweeping of the Seine.  Lord I don't know if I'll ever be back again.  La la la la dam  La la la low  Medicating in the sun  Pinched doses of laudanum  Longing for the old fecundity of my homeland  Curses to this mirage!  A bottle of ancient Chiraz  A smattering of distant applause  Is ringing in my poor ears  On the old left bank  My baby in a charabanc  Riding up the width and length  Of the Champs Elysees  If only summer rain would fall  On the houses and the boulevard  And the side walk bagatelles it's like a dream  With the roar of cars  And the lulling of the cafe bars  The sweetly sleeping sweeping of the Seine  Lord I don't know if I'll ever be back again  If only summer rain would fall  On the houses and the boulevard  And the side walk bagatelles its like a dream  With the roar of cars  And the lulling of the cafe bars  The sweetly sleeping sweeping of the Seine  Lord I don't know if I'll ever be back again...  Be back again,  Be back again,  I'll be back again Summersong Rambling, where to begin? I tasted summer on your peppery skin Been saved, the warm of the waves I felt a slip into a watery grave My girl, linen and curls Lips parting like a flag all unfurled She's grand, the bend of her hand Digging deep into the sweep of the sand And summer arrives with a length of light And summer blows away and quietly gets swallowed by a wave Waylaid, the din of the day Boats bobbing in the blue of the bay In deep, far beneath  All the dead sailors slowly slipping to sleep My girl, linen and curls Lips parting like a flag all unfurled She's grand, the bend of her hand Digging deep into the sweep of the sand And summer arrives with a length of light And summer blows away and quietly gets swallowed by a wave It gets swallowed by a wave It gets swallowed by a wave It gets swallowed by a wave

    弱弱地说一句...我是那种很不要脸的一礼拜换一支乐队听的FAKE ROCK = =! ---------------------------- 几年没换过的就NIGHTWISH...
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