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维埃拉:目标欧洲冠军 [复制链接]

Vieira now targets Europe Monday April 26 2004 After leading Arsenal to the Barclaycard Premiership title in spectacular fashion, skipper Patrick Vieira has set his sights on conquering Europe. 阿森纳以辉煌战绩夺得英超联赛冠军后,维埃拉将下一步目标定为征服欧洲! The Gunners clinched the title with a 2-2 draw at London rivals Tottenham as they extended their record-breaking unbeaten run from the start of the season to 34 games. 2-2战平热刺后,枪手以34轮不败的成绩提前夺冠。 Now Vieira, who admits he is still hurting after losing to Chelsea in the quarter-finals of the Champions League, wants Arsenal to take their domestic supremacy into Europe. 维埃拉承认冠军杯还无法忘记被切尔西淘汰的痛,因此他希望球队拿到联赛冠军后,能在欧洲赛场上也有良好的表现。 "The Champions League is a target for us," he told the London Evening Standard. "It is the same for every one of us here because no-one has won that competition. “欧洲冠军杯是我们的目标。我们从没有拿到过这项冠军,因此更为渴望。” "That is something really special because you are playing against the best and it is missing from our achievements and losing in the quarter-final to Chelsea this season is still in our minds. We were so close." “在冠军杯上能和强敌交手,而我们至尽仍记得1/4决赛被切尔西淘汰的那一幕。我们曾经很有机会进入下一轮。” Vieira also believes that the Gunners are capable of dominating the English game and winning consecutive titles the way Liverpool and Manchester United did. 维埃拉相信阿森纳有实力像曼联和利物普那样称霸英超,卫冕联赛冠军。 The Frenchman added: "Those teams won the title three or four times in a row. That makes you great and we are capable of doing it. We have the hunger and the determination to do well. We want more trophies." “他们曾连续三四个赛季夺冠,更证明了球队实力,阿森纳也有能力办到。我们渴望胜利,也有这样的决心。期待更多的冠军奖杯。” Despite having already sewn up the title, there will be no letting up from Arsene Wenger's men in the remaining for games as they bid to go through the season unbeaten. 尽管阿森纳已经提前夺冠,但仍要为不败纪录而战! "To win the title is one thing but we want to achieve something special," added Vieira. “能拿到联赛冠军当然很好,但我们还有其他重要的目标。 "If we go through the season unbeaten, this team will be remembered for a long, long time. We are still a young team but one that has played together for five or six years and we know each other really well. We believe in ourselves. “如果我们能保持整个赛季不败,那将流方于历史。队员们在一起踢球有五六年了,相互都非常熟悉,但我们仍然是只年轻球队。我们相信自己的实力。” "The manager is great because he trusts his players, on and off the pitch. We enjoy ourselves in training as well because he varies it." “温格是好教练,他信任队员,无论是在球场上还是场下。教练会变换训练内容,因此我们也乐于训练。”

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