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霍利尔:杰拉德不会离开我们,欧文也不会 [复制链接]



恩! 我也是这么想的!~~~ 一个边路,一个中后卫,还有一个实力不错的替补前锋


不想起床 盯着天花板休息
不想睡去 就看着照片笑着回忆
不想闭上眼睛 看看曾经我们的日记
有谁知道 上午八点的时候 我在想你


以下是引用evergreen在2004-4-29 21:45:16的发言: 这两年霍利尔既想自己的队伍有英格兰风格,留住本土球星,以此吸引更多眼球;又不想丢掉自己国家的细腻打法,所以他的利物浦一直找不到感觉。SO,杰拉德是不大可能来的,因为他的特点、“身世”符合霍利尔和俱乐部对球队的经营理念。欧文也不大可能,因为欧文之于利物浦就如皮埃罗之于尤文图斯,他是利物浦的标志。
没什么不可能的  只要他不干于平淡




以下是引用evergreen在2004-4-29 21:45:16的发言: 这两年霍利尔既想自己的队伍有英格兰风格,留住本土球星,以此吸引更多眼球;又不想丢掉自己国家的细腻打法,所以他的利物浦一直找不到感觉。SO,杰拉德是不大可能来的,因为他的特点、“身世”符合霍利尔和俱乐部对球队的经营理念。欧文也不大可能,因为欧文之于利物浦就如皮埃罗之于尤文图斯,他是利物浦的标志。

我觉得你说的不错! 但是如果真的两个中要放一个的话,我估计欧文会离开! 因为霍利尔当时被媒体炮轰的时候,站出来为霍利尔说话的是GERRAD!~~~


不想起床 盯着天花板休息
不想睡去 就看着照片笑着回忆
不想闭上眼睛 看看曾经我们的日记
有谁知道 上午八点的时候 我在想你


最近听说JUVEN 用特雷加12M换永贝里……
不想起床 盯着天花板休息
不想睡去 就看着照片笑着回忆
不想闭上眼睛 看看曾经我们的日记
有谁知道 上午八点的时候 我在想你


以下是引用上午八点在2004-4-29 12:34:41的发言:

Gerrard won't leave us

GERARD HOULLIER insists Steven Gerrard will NEVER be allowed to leave Anfield. 霍利尔强调说,杰拉德永远都不会被允许离开安菲尔德。

SunSport has this week revealed that both Arsenal and Manchester United have been plotting audacious raids to land Liverpool’s inspirational skipper. 太阳体育本周披露说阿森纳和曼联两家俱乐部都将目光转想这位利物浦的有创造性的中场队长。

But Kop boss Houllier says he plans to restructure his team around the England star who, he reckons, can take his game to the very highest level. 但是利物浦的主教练霍利尔说他计划将队伍重组,围绕这位英格兰球星进行战术调整,并且指出,这可以将队伍提高到一个更高的水平。

Gerrard, 23, has been Liverpool’s stand-out star all season in an otherwise hugely disappointing campaign for the Reds. 在整支红军队伍都陷入到令人非常失望的低迷状态的时候,23岁的杰拉德在整个赛季都成为了利物浦表现最为出色的球星。

And Houllier insists the player stands comparison with any midfielder in Europe. 霍利尔说,他可以比肩欧洲的任何一个的中场球员。

The Frenchman added: “I want him to not only become Player of the Year in England but I genuinely believe he has every chance of becoming European and World Player of the Year in the future, as well. 法国人同时补充道:“我希望他不仅仅成为英格兰年度足球先生,我也真诚的认为他未来绝对有机会成为欧洲和世界足球先生。

“Lothar Matthaus achieved that when he was a central midfielder and so can Steven. “马特乌斯在担任中场角色的时候就做到了这一点,斯蒂夫也一定能。

“He is my captain here and that tells you everything you need to know about what I think of him. “他是我的队长,这句话就清楚的告诉了你我对他的看法。

“And of course everyone knows what he thinks of the club, too. “当然任何人也都明白他对俱乐部的看法。

“You would have to cut off both my arms before I let Steven Gerrard leave because I have them both wrapped around him. “除非你砍掉我的双手,否则我是不会让杰拉德离开,因为我会用双手紧紧抱住他。

“He is simply irreplaceable. We have big plans for him here that will take him up to an even higher level.” “他完全不可替代。在这里我们会围绕他研究战术,这会让他更上层楼的。”

Liverpool have failed to win a trophy and are in a real battle merely to clinch fourth place and a Champions League slot. But Gerrard’s own form saw him shortlisted for the PFA Player of the Year award. 利物浦本赛季一无所获,仅仅希望能拿到联赛第四进入欧洲冠军联赛资格赛都十分困难。但是杰拉德的个人状态使他成为英格兰年度足球先生的人选。

Yet manager Houllier reckons that is just the tip of the iceberg. 至今主教练霍利尔仍然认为这只不过是冰山一角罢了。

Gerrard was born and bred in the Liverpool suburb. 杰拉德出生并成长在利物浦的市郊。

He is fiercely proud of his roots and his hometown club but that did not stop Gunners boss Arsene Wenger and United chief Alex Ferguson from eyeing the possibility of breaking the bank to snatch him from Merseyside. 他以自己的根和家乡俱乐部而深感自豪,但是这并不能阻止枪手主教练阿瑟·温格和曼联主帅弗格森注视的目光,观察着一切把他从莫西塞德郡带走的可能性。

Houllier would be able to bank more than £20million for his star man but knows that merely considering selling Gerrard would be unforgivable in the eyes of the Mersey faithful. (如果成功)霍利尔会因为这位明星球员而得到超过2000万的银行储蓄,而他知道,仅仅是考虑卖掉杰拉德在莫西郡的信徒眼中都是不可原谅的事情。

And he believes Gerrard, one of the staunchest defenders of Houllier when the flak was flying, would not consider leaving because he rates it such an honour to lead out the team at Anfield every week. 他信任杰拉德,后者是在媒体向霍利尔炮轰的时候霍利尔坚定的支持者,他不会考虑离开,因为他认为每周带领球队走进安菲尔德球场都是一种荣誉。

He added: “I like the comment Kenny Dalglish made recently about Stevie. 他补充着:“我很喜欢肯尼·达格利什前不久对斯蒂夫所做出的评论。

“He said it was more prestigious for him to be made Liverpool captain this season than it was to win the PFA Player of the Year award.” “他说作为本赛季能作为利物浦的队长,比起获得英超年度足球先生,他觉得更有声望。”

Houllier also laughed off claims that England striker Michael Owen is also wanted by the Gunners. 霍利尔也同时笑着某人英格兰射手欧文也同样是枪手的目标。

Owen’s agents have opened preliminary talks with Anfield bigwigs over his new contract recently and the player, 24, has always insisted he would not leave for another English club. 欧文的经理人已经公开准备同安菲尔德高层就他的新合同问题举行会谈,这位24岁的球员也一直坚持他不会离开俱乐部并加入其他的英格兰俱乐部。

Houllier added: “I would be very upset if Michael left, because the best of him is yet to come. 霍利尔补充道:“如果迈克尔离开,我会非常沮丧,因为最佳的他即将回归。

“We have had preliminary talks and they went well. I think Michael will stay with us. Whether I am proved to be right or wrong — only time will tell.” “我们已经进行了初步的会谈,进展顺利。我想迈克尔会留下来和我们在一起。我说的是否正确,只有时间会告诉你们。”

but GERARD HOULLIER will be sacked

so he will leave liverpol first

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