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[音乐] Fool's Day on Plastic Beach [复制链接]

I have not much to say...anyway..Blur's back and Plastic Beach has been released for a while....I was trying to download PB's MV from emule about one month ago but ended up got porn AGAIN..and not even a good one by the way..lol. So believe that once it passed you just simply lost it. There's no freakin' way you can get the early days back. And now we re all standing here and looking back, trying to draw a line to connect every single fading spot in memories. Good or bad or something Im too frusttated to bring up....What's the stupid point for recalling them..I don't know.. Basiclly I'm just here to kill time...Let the old ghosts go and wait the fresh demons to come. Fool's Day ---Blur wake up straight* Called out by the sun On the first day of april Out of bed Lord it was a plane crash But i'm sure that i was dreaming Tv on Of course caffeine and signs Of submission again Another day On this little island Just a bell hangs on Porridge done I take my kid to school It was the pound shop woolworth's Under bridge Where the subway sees the daytime And the west way flies by Then on my bike Down the ladbroke grove To the forthcoming dramas The studio And a love of all sweet music We just can't let go Let go... let go.. let go... let go.. llet go So meditate On what we've all become On a cold day in springtime Civil war Is what we all were born into Raise your left hand right sing Don't capitulate To the forces of the market place They're long departed Consolidate The love we've had together On a cold day in springtime Plastic Beach - Gorillaz


    本主题由 版主 cecilia72 于 7/6/2010 6:46:44 PM 执行 主题分类 操作

    just realized today is my 5th grade graduation...


    原帖由 yly_1993 于 2010-7-6 22:12:00 发表 我就是这个意思. 那天逛HMV的时候手贱就拿上了. 买回家听了两首就后悔了. 看看第一张同名里面带FEAT.的有几首歌.DEMON DAYS里面有几首. PLASTIC BEACH里面有几首.完毕. btw.强烈推荐,我对这种都还一无所知的时候......
    Well that's around 2007 right? the good bad and queen was damon albarn's solo album.not really blur Blur..i feel like after coming to the U.S., he put a lot of time on doing experimental..i can only accept the"hip-hop" element in his music.. Stylo was the one played a lot on the radio..mv is interesting.

    原帖由 yly_1993 于 2010-7-7 0:59:00 发表 没看过MV. 我现在回过头去看THE GOOD...才明白里面几个名字有多牛X. 那张专辑不完全是他个人的SOLO专辑. btw.我唯一不能接受的就是说唱. RAGE AGAINST THE MECHINE那样的我完全可以接受. 现在的GORILLAZ我觉得非......
    I don't do hip-hop either..but that's damon. i'll take it..hehe~ yeah..plastic beach is also kinda experimental, maybe they want to prove that even old dogs can learn new tricks..just kidding....

    原帖由 G.Clichy 于 2010-7-7 0:51:00 发表 有时候我会有拿一年的生命换过去某一天的想法 也许是因为那个某一天太美好 也许是因为现在的一年太漫长 也许仅仅是因为知道不可能,才会有的慷慨 我靠窗做在时间的列车上,时不时想探头出去回望一下旧景,却被呼啸而......
    hey...what happened...don't tell me this is middle age crisis shit.... B you kinda make me get worried....you know at least you have one moment worth to remember..for me, i would rather kill myself if you gave me a chance to get one day back..coz i don't even have that "one day"....most of the time it sucks..ture
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