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推理大师第十季结束!----我不想成为名人 [复制链接]


which one is the target?? the man or the woman?? anyways.. ummm.. first floor.. cold weather.. guess around the spring festival, since those dui lian  (dont know how to say that in engl lol..) looked pretty new.. there were a couple for sure.. they looked happy and fulfilled in the pic.. the house in the back looked kinda shabby but orderly.. guess they were not poor, might used to be wealth..? (just saying lol..) OR.. another direction.. they/one of them might not live there.. they/one of them could be the visitor/s.. lets assume the woman were the visitor, the man might work there for helping, teaching, healing, or building.. sry i cant type chinese w/ school's computers..


    本主题由 版主 bcw 于 4/18/2011 3:55:21 PM 执行 设置高亮 操作
    we have no idea how much we are blessed.

    when does the next one start??
    we have no idea how much we are blessed.
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