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[转帖]十首经典欧美动画主题曲 [复制链接]

1.When you believe   by Whitney Houston&Mariah Carey 出处:梦工场《埃及王子》 评价:这是由流行歌坛的两大顶级天后共同创造的神话,惠特尼休斯顿的浑厚,玛莉亚凯利的高亢,构成完美的和声,也让该曲在1999年第71届奥斯卡奖评选中获最佳原创歌曲奖,可谓经典中的经典。至今,这首歌依然是我的最爱首选。 歌词: Many nights we pray多少个夜晚我们在祈祷 With no proof anyone could hear并非每个人都能听见 In our hearts a hopeful song我们心中的希望之歌 We barely understood自己也不能理解 Now we are not afraid 现在我们并不害怕 Although we know there's much to fear虽然我们知道未来有许多艰难险阻 We were moving mountains along我们负重已久 Before we know we could只是原来并不清楚我们的能力 There can be miracles奇迹将会出现 When you believe只要你肯相信 Though hope is frail希望虽然渺茫 It's hard to kill却不可磨灭 Who knows what miracles you can achieve谁知道你会创造怎样的奇迹 When you believe只要你肯相信 Somehow you will你就会 You will when you believe只要你肯相信,你就会创造奇迹 In this time of fear在害怕的时候 When prayer so often proves in vain当祈祷变得苍白无力 Hope seems like the summer birds希望就像夏日里的鸟儿 Too swiftly flown away悄然飞逝 And now I'm standing here现在我伫立于此 My heart's so full I can't explain心中充满无限莫名的希望 Seeking faith and speaking words寻求信念 I never thought I'd say说出从未说过的话…… There can be miracles……奇迹将会出现 Take it always up and when you ask鼓起勇气扪心自问 And it is easy to give in to your fear人很容易向困难低头 But when you're blinded by your pain当你被痛苦蒙住了双眼 Can't see your way safe through the rain在风雨中看不见未来的出路 Thought of a still resilient voice想一想回荡在你耳边的声音 Says love is very near它在说,爱就在你身边 There can be miracles……奇迹将会出现…… http://www.oumei.net/music/song/462.html http://www.enjoybooks.zjwu.net/readnews.asp?newsid=339 2.Beauty and the beast  by Celine Dion&Peabo Bryson 出处:迪士尼《美女与野兽》 评价:这首歌许多人都不会陌生,拥有顶级浪漫的旋律,让人沉醉其中,无法自拔,席琳迪翁所特有的法式发音令这支曲子带上了浓浓的抒情味,这在单纯的美国蓝调音乐中是没有的。最喜欢把音量开大来听这首歌,舒服得毛孔都像扩张开了一样。 歌词: Tale as old as time True as it can be Barely even friends Than somebody bends Unexpectedly Just a little change Small, to say the least Both a little scared Neither one prepared Beauty and the Beast Ever just the same Ever a surprise Ever as before Ever just as sure As the sun will arise Tale as old as time Tune as old as song Bittersweet and strange Finding you can change Learning you were wrong Certain as the sun Rising in the east Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme Beauty and the beast. http://www.520music.com/musiclist/520music.com_2171.htm http://wangben.3322.net/Ben/esong2.html 3.Here I am  by Bryan Adams 出处:梦工场《小马王》 评价:说起来,当初正是先听了布莱恩的这首歌才决定去看《小马王》的,布莱恩永远迷死人不偿命的就是他沙中带磁的声线,加之这首歌的旋律十分自由,两种元素组合,竟是非常震撼的效果,让人从深情中不自觉地沸腾起来。 歌词: Here I am This is me There's no where else on earth I'd rather be Here I am Just me and you tonight we'll make our dreams come true (Chorus) it's a new world it's a new start it's alive with the beating of young hearts it's a new day it's a new plan I've been waiting for you here I am 2x here we are we've just begun and after all this time our time has come here we are still going strong right here in the place where we belong (Chorus) here I am this is me there's no where else on earth I'd rather be here I am Just me and you tonight we'll make our dreams come true (Chorus) http://www.oumei.net/music/song/40.html 4.Someday  by All-4-One 出处:迪士尼《钟楼怪人》 评价:这是一首忧伤的歌,在剧里也一直摆在最后刑场告别的场景中,深沉婉转的低唱,继而转入悲愤的高歌,如泣如诉,所以,孤独的时候千万不要听它。 歌词: Someday When we are wiser When the world is older When we have learned I pray Someday we may yet live To live And let live Someday Life will be fairer Need will be rarer Greed will not pay God speed This bright millennium On its way Let it come, someday There are some days dark and bitter Seems we haven’t got a prayer But a prayer for someday better Is the one thing we all share Someday Our fight will be won then We’ll stand in the sun then That bright afternoon Till then On days when the sun is gone We’ll hang on Wish upon the moon http://search.sogua.com/search/search.asp?key=%E5%8F%B6%E6%A0%91%E8%8C%B5%20-%20%E6%83%85%E6%AD%8C 5.A whole new world  by Peabo Bryson&Regina Bell 出处:迪士尼《阿拉丁》 评价:第六十五届奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲,好评如潮的歌,但我喜欢它仅仅是因为这首歌听起来特别有相爱的感觉,每听一次都仿佛谈了一场恋爱(呵呵~~~夸张),布莱逊的男声我非常喜欢,他总能给人一种幸福的感觉,不如试试和你的心上人一起听它,说不定听过之后他会更爱你哦。 歌词: I can show you the world, shining, shimmering, splendid. Tell me princess now when did you last let your heart decide? I can open your eyes, take you wonder by wonder, Over sideways and under, on a magic carpet ride 我可以为你展示这个世界,光芒四射、闪烁摇曳、辉煌灿烂 公主,现在告诉我,曾几何时内心作出了最后的抉择? 我可以打开你的眼界,带你探访一个又一个奇迹 四面八方,进行一次奇异的魔毯之旅 A whole new world, a new fantastic point of view No one to tell us no, or where to go, or say we're only dreaming. A whole new world, a dazzling place I never knew But when I'm way up here, it's crystal clear That now I'm in a whole new world with you. 一个全新的世界,一个崭新的梦幻视角 没有人阻拦我们、指点方向或者说我们只在梦中遨游 一个全新的世界,眼花缭乱,闻所未闻 但当我飞升到这里,一切都尽收眼底 我和你进入了一个全新的世界 Unbelievable sights, indescribable feeling Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling through an endless diamond sky 不可思议的景象,难以描述的感觉 腾飞、坠落、随心所欲地穿越无尽的钻石天空 A whole new world. Don't you dare close your eyes, A hundred thousand things to see. / Hold your breath it gets better. http://search.sogua.com/search/search.asp?key=A+whole+new+world&I1.x=28&I1.y=10 6.If I never know you  by John Secada&Shanice 出处:迪士尼《风中奇缘》 评价:每一次听这首歌都会热泪盈眶,John的声音很亮,可是却很难听出喜悦的感觉,可能正好符合了迈斯和宝嘉康蒂分别时的痛苦吧。唉,爱情的魔力真是让人无法抗拒啊,岂是一个如果就能说清的呢。 歌词: if i never knew you, if i never felt this love i would have no inkling of how precious life can be and if i never held you, i would never have a clue how at last i find in you, the missing part of me. in this world so full of fear, full of rage and lies i can see the truth so clear, in your eyes, so dry your eyes and i'm so grateful to you, i'd have lived my whole life through lost forever, if i never knew you. (female solo) if i never knew you, i'd be safe but half as real never knowing i could feel a love so strong and true i'm so grateful to you, i'd have lived my whole life through lost forever, if i never knew you. (male solo) i thought our love would be so beautiful (female solo) somehow we make the whole world right (duet) i never knew that fear and hate could be so strong all they leave are worthless whispers in the night but still my heart is saying we were right. (female solo) if i never knew you (male solo) there is no moment i regret (female solo) if i never knew this love (male solo) since the moment that we met (female solo) i'd have no inkling of how precious life can be (male solo) if our time's auspicious as that is here at last. (duet) i thought our love would be so beautiful (female solo) so beautiful... (duet) somehow we make the world right (female solo) i thought our love would be so beautiful we turn the darkness into light (duet) and still my heart is saying we were right. (male solo) we were right and if i never knew you (female solo) and if i never knew you (male solo) i'd have lived my whole life through (duet) empty as the sky never knowing why lost forever if i never knew you 7.Reflection by Christina Aguilera 出处:迪士尼《花木兰》 评价:克里斯汀娜就是凭借这首歌登上了美国流行小天后的宝座,而那时她的声音就已经不像十九岁少女的轻曼了,既浑厚又有力,震撼十足。这首歌也曾经被李纹翻唱过,可惜水平就差了很多。 歌词: look at me you may think you see who i really am but you'll never know me every day it's as if i play a part now i see if i wear a mask i can fool the world but i cannot fool my heart who is that girl i see staring straight back at me? when will my reflection show who i am inside? i am now in a world where i have to hide my heart and what i believe in but somehow i will show the world what's inside my heart and be loved for who i am who is that girl i see staring straight back at me? why is my reflection someone i don't know? must i pretend that i'm someone else for all time? when will my reflection show who i am inside? there's a heart that must be free to fly that burns with a need to know the reason why why must we all conceal what we think how we feel? must there be a secret me i'm forced to hide? i won't pretend that i'm someone else for all time when will my reflection show who i am inside? when will my reflection show who i am inside? http://www.99ting.com/musiclist/mmc_2270.htm 8.True to your heart   by Stevie Wonder&98 Degree 出处:迪士尼《花木兰》 评价:这是十首歌里唯一一首快节奏的曲子,98度的歌声充满活力,亲和愉快;史帝夫汪达则如同哲学家一般的诉说着真实,像是种鼓励,给人力量,听这首歌总是能让我在愉快中忘记挫折。 歌词: baby, i knew at once that you were meant for me deep in my soul i know that i'm your destiny though you're unsure why fight the tide don't think so much let your heart decide baby,i see your furture and it's tied to mine i look in your eyes and see you searching for a sign but you'll never fall till you let go don't be scared of what you don't know chorus: true to you heart you must be true to your heart that's when the heavens will part and baby,shower you with my love open your eyes your heart can tell you no lies i know it's gonna lead you straight to me (got to be true to your heart) and when you true to your heart i know it's gonna lead you straight to me someone you know is on your side can set you free i can do that for you if you believe in me what i can guess what feels so right just trust your heart and you'll see the light chorus (ya know it's true) your heart knows what's good for you (good for you) let your heart show you the way (ya know it's true) it'll see you through (got to be true to your heart) girl, my heart is driving me to where you are you can take both hands off the wheel and still get far be swept away,enjoy the ride you won't get lost with your heart to guide you chorus when things are getting crazy and you don't know where to start keep on believing baby just be true to your heart when all the world around you it seems to fail apart keep on believing,baby just be true to your heart http://www.99ting.com/musiclist/mmc_2270.htm 9.Can you feel the love tonight   by Elton John 出处:迪士尼《狮子王》 评价:如果说《狮子王》是迪士尼的经典,那么这首歌无疑是《狮子王》的经典,Elton John不愧是浪漫之王,将旋律运用到了极至。而我真正开始为动画音乐着迷,也就是从他开始的。 歌词: can you feel the love tonight there's a calm surrender to the rush of day when the heat of the rolling world can be turned away an enchanted moment and it sees me through it's enough for this restless warrior just to be with you and can you feel the love tonight? it is where we are it's enough for wide eyed wanderer that we got this far and can you feel the love tonight? how it's laid to rest it's enough to make kings and vagabonds believe the very best there's a time for ev'ryone if they only learn that the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn there's a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors when the heart of this starcrossed voyager beats in time with yours and can you feel the love tonight? it is where we are it's enough for this wide eyed wanderer that we got this far and can you feel the love tonight? how it's laid to rest it's enough to make kings and vagabonds believe the very best it's enough to make kings and vagabonds believe the very best http://www4.baidu.com/song/0/88/8850_somp3.htm 10.You'll be in my heart by Phil Collins 出处:迪士尼《泰山》 评价:倾诉的歌,很轻很柔也很深情,可以作为爱的宣言,如同歌名一样,你将刻在我心里,学会这首歌,不知道能不能用来表白呢? 歌词: come, stop your crying, it will be all right just take my hand, hold it tight i will protect you from, all around you i will be here, don’t you cry for one so small, you seem so strong my arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm this bond between us, can’t be broken i will be here, don’t you cry cause you’ll be in my heart yes, you’ll be in my heart from this day on now and forever more you’ll be in my heart no matter what they say you’ll be here in my heart always why can’t they understand the way we feel? they just don’t trust, what they can’t explain i know we’re different but, deep inside us we’re not that different at all and you'll be in my heart yes, you'll be in my heart from this day on, now and forever more don’t listen to them cause what do they know? we need each other, to have to hold they’ll see in time i know when destiny calls you, you must be strong i may not be with you, but you’ve got to hold on they’ll see in time i know we’ll show them together cause you’ll be in my heart believe me, you’ll be in my heart i'be there from this day on now and forever more oh ,you’ll be in my heart (you'll be here in my heart) no matter what they say i'll be with you be here in my heart( i'll be there always ) always i’ll be with you i’ll be there for you, always always and always just look over your shoulder just look over your shoulder just look over your shoulder i'll be there, always http://www.9sky.com/music/musicthat/singlesong.asp?si_id=262&so_id=8520

呵呵~~!不错的!!《HERE I AM》经典。

不过怎么会没有狮子王的主题曲?那首也够经典的啊!!!《Can you feel the love tonight》




BRYAN ADAMS是我最喜欢的歌手,以前光听CD时,只是着迷于他的沙哑的歌声,后来看小马王听到那音乐时,真的有一种震撼感,所以这部片被我看了N遍


以下是引用依庭在2004-6-6 14:57:54的发言:

BRYAN ADAMS是我最喜欢的歌手,以前光听CD时,只是着迷于他的沙哑的歌声,后来看小马王听到那音乐时,真的有一种震撼感,所以这部片被我看了N遍




以下是引用华月の艳在2004-6-6 10:25:02的发言:

呵呵~~!不错的!!《HERE I AM》经典。

不过怎么会没有狮子王的主题曲?那首也够经典的啊!!!《Can you feel the love tonight》



顶,精彩的贴,还有歌词。我最喜欢Elton John 的Can You Feel The Love Tonight?



BRYAN的东西不好找啊,这是我仅有的一张图。前几天我看02年白金汉宫的万人演唱会,无意中发现他也在,唱了那首《I DO IT FOR YOU 》,激动死了~

2901.jpg (, 下载次数:0)

[转帖]十首经典欧美动画主题曲(6/8/2004 4:47:00 PM 上传)



我真正喜欢上《HERE I AM 》是在一期国家地理杂志上,那一期NG把它作为一辑老虎应该与人类共存,号召人类保护老虎乃至所有动物的栏目的主题歌,当时我立刻就喜欢上了它。
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