优美的旋律,战士也向往和平。这首和平之歌表现了Scorpions乐队高度的人文精神。他们曾因为在“Moscow Peace Festival”的音乐节<莫斯科音乐节>演唱〈Wind Of Change》而受到了苏联元首戈尔巴乔夫在克里姆林宫的亲切接见,这是第一支也是唯一支受到苏联领导人接见的摇滚乐队。
wind of change - scorpions
wind of change
music lyrics klaus meine. vocal rudolf schenker.
i folow the moskva
down to gorky park
listening to the wind of change
an august summer night
soldiers passing by
listening to the wind of change
the world is closing in
did you ever think
that we could be so close, like brothers
the future's in the air
i can feel it everywhere
blowing with the wind of change
take me to the magic of the moment
on a glory night
where the children of tomorrow dream away
in the wind of change
walking down the street
distant memories
are buried in the past forever
i folow the moskva
down to gorky park
listening to the wind of change
take me to the magic of the moment
on a glory night
where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
with you and me
take me to the magic of the moment
on a glory night
where the children of tomorrow dream away
in the wind of change
the wind of change
blows straight into the face of time
like a stormwind that will ring the freedom bell
for peace of mind
let your balalaika sing
what my guitar wants to say
take me to the magic of the moment
on a glory night
where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
with you and me
take me to the magic of the moment
on a glory night
where the children of tomorrow dream away
in the wind of change