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1963-2000世界最伟大的一百首流行歌曲——Bob Dylan [复制链接]

1941年5月24日,Bob Dylan生于美国明尼苏达洲的图卢斯。他早期生活颇具神秘色彩,年轻时曾参加一个流行团体,像中世纪的游吟诗人一样,漫游于乡村音乐之中。 1961年4月台1日,Bob Dylan在纽约开始了音乐生涯。几个月之后,他在民谣舞台上已经略有名气,并与哥伦比亚唱片公司签定了合约。这一年10月,以Bob Dylan自身命名Bob Dylan的首张专辑出版了,其中收有他演唱的传统民谣歌曲。Bob Dylan那反传统的表现形式,虽然立即保守派的非议,但也受到广泛的关注。 1963年初,Bob Dylan到英国巡回演出时,在BBC电台弹唱了《城堡大街的疯屋》,不久,他回到美国录制了下一个专辑。当年5月,新专辑 The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan 问世,使他名声大振。其中的《倾盆大雨》、Blowing in the wind 和《战神》成为他的经典歌曲。确良这张专辑是Bob Dylan的第一张上榜作品,排行第22。 1964年,另一专辑 The times they are changing 在排行榜上名列第20位。其中的歌曲内容更富有挑战性。当年10月,又一部专辑《Bob Dylan的另一面》发行,里面收录的完全是一些浓浓的深思般的反省歌曲。对此,歌迷们有褒有贬,甚至有人感到吃不消。 Bob Dylan创立了全新的民间摇滚风格,提高了歌词的内涵和品味,改变了摇滚乐原来那种低俗的趣味,他通过深厚、丰富的、完全诗化的抒情化了的歌曲的主题,使听众随着亿表现出来的原始冲击力感悟到了摇滚乐的那种容易被忽略掉的神韵。 1965年,Bob Dylan宣告民谣生涯结束,正式走进摇滚乐坛。此时,他实际上重新演绎了这两种不同的音乐模式,使之融成民谣、摇滚相结合的新形式。Bob Dylan当年推出的专辑《把它全部带回家》就是一种新的探索和实践,其中的《思乡布鲁斯》名列排行榜第40位,专辑本身取得了排名第6的成绩。 Bob Dylanlonde on blonde 这张排名第9位的专辑,是Bob Dylan1966年8月推出的。这一年的下半年,纪录他前一年巡回演出实况的纪录片《不要回头》问世。 至此,Bob Dylan已成为音乐界一位革命人物。在《思乡布鲁斯》、《敲鼓的男人》、Like a rolling stone(单曲排行榜第2位)、Positive Forth Street、Rainy day women 等众多经典名曲中,他为摇滚乐创造了一种新的语言表现方法。Bob Dylan改变了民谣的地位和创作主题,增强了表现力,使得民谣具有更为强烈的个性,以致于达到了诗化的境界,除此而外,他还是摇滚乐坛独具个性的一位天才。Bob Dylan那略显忧郁的、鼻音浓重的粗犷音质,很容易让听众识别。那强劲而粗放的、几乎不加修饰的吉它弹奏,则融入了布鲁斯音乐的精致风韵。 1966年7月29日,正当艺术实力和经济收益处于顶峰状态时,Bob Dylan在他纽约的住所附近因车祸受伤,不得不告别舞台一年之久。 1968年Bob Dylan重返乐坛时,他的演唱风格似乎又焕然一新:那激情似火的摇滚风格被柔情似水的乡村音乐取而代之。这一年出版的专辑 John Welsley Harding 和1969年的 Nashville Skylive ,被明显地受到乡村音乐的影响,后一专辑中的《躺着的女人躺着》是他最后一首上榜的10佳歌曲之一。 Bob Dylan耗尽心血和才华,走进70年代,在此后的岁月中,他不断录制唱片并巡回演出,却再也没能产生超越过去的作品,1974年的Planet Waves,1975年的 Bob Dylanlood on the tracks,1979年的Slow train coming,1985年的专辑《滑稽剧帝国》及80年代的《拯救》等等,都没能挽回歌迷对他的热切期望。 进入90年代,年过半百的Bob Dylan仍然活跃在舞台上。尽管他一直反对将他列为民间摇滚的奠基人,可是,人们还是把他载入了《摇滚名人录》,Bob Dylan终将名垂青史。

20.Bob Dylan-Like a rolling stone [mp=500,50,1]http://wwww.n168.com/n168_com_music/000083/20.wma[/mp] 歌词:Once upon a time you dressed so fine Threw bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? People called said beware doll, you're bound to fall You thought they were all kidding you You used to laugh about People who were hanging out Now you don't talk so loud Now you don't seem so proud About having to be scrounging your next meal How does it feel, how does it feel? To be on your own, without a home Like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone You've gone to the finest schools, alright miss lonely but you know you only used to get juiced in it Nobody's ever taught you how to live out on the street And now you're gonna have to get used to it You say you never compromise With the mystery tramp, but now you realize He's not selling any alibies As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes And say do you want to make a deal? (Chorus) How does it feel, how does it feel? To be on your own, without a home Like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone Oh, you never turned around to see the frowns On the jumpers and the clowns when they did their tricks for you You never understood that it ain't no good You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you You used to ride on your chrome horse with your diplomat Who carried on his shoulder a siamese cat Ain't it hard when you discovered that He really wasn't where it's at After he took from you everything he could steal How does it feel, how does it feel? To be on your own, without a home Like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone Princess on a steeple and all the pretty people They're all drinking, thinking that they've got it made Exchanging all precious gifts You better take your diamond ring, you better pawn it babe You used to be so amused At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used Go to him he calls you, you can't refuse When you ain't got nothing, you got nothing to loose You're invisible now, you've got not secret to conceal How does it feel, how does it feel? To be on your own, without a home Like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone 49.Bob Dylan-Tangled up in blue 下载地址: 歌词:Early one mornin' the sun was shinin', I was layin' in bed Wond'rin' if she'd changed at all If her hair was still red. Her folks they said our lives together Sure was gonna be rough They never did like Mama's homemade dress Papa's bankbook wasn't big enough. And I was standin' on the side of the road Rain fallin' on my shoes Heading out for the East Coast Lord knows I've paid some dues gettin' through, Tangled up in blue. She was married when we first met Soon to be divorced I helped her out of a jam, I guess, But I used a little too much force. We drove that car as far as we could Abandoned it out West Split up on a dark sad night Both agreeing it was best. She turned around to look at me As I was walkin' away I heard her say over my shoulder, "We'll meet again someday on the avenue," Tangled up in blue. I had a job in the great north woods Working as a cook for a spell But I never did like it all that much And one day the ax just fell. So I drifted down to New Orleans Where I happened to be employed Workin' for a while on a fishin' boat Right outside of Delacroix. But all the while I was alone The past was close behind, I seen a lot of women But she never escaped my mind, and I just grew Tangled up in blue. She was workin' in a topless place And I stopped in for a beer, I just kept lookin' at the side of her face In the spotlight so clear. And later on as the crowd thinned out I's just about to do the same, She was standing there in back of my chair Said to me, "Don't I know your name?" I muttered somethin' underneath my breath, She studied the lines on my face. I must admit I felt a little uneasy When she bent down to tie the laces of my shoe, Tangled up in blue. She lit a burner on the stove and offered me a pipe "I thought you'd never say hello," she said "You look like the silent type." Then she opened up a book of poems And handed it to me Written by an Italian poet From the thirteenth century. And every one of them words rang true And glowed like burnin' coal Pourin' off of every page Like it was written in my soul from me to you, Tangled up in blue. I lived with them on Montague Street In a basement down the stairs, There was music in the cafes at night And revolution in the air. Then he started into dealing with slaves And something inside of him died. She had to sell everything she owned And froze up inside. And when finally the bottom fell out I became withdrawn, The only thing I knew how to do Was to keep on keepin' on like a bird that flew, Tangled up in blue. So now I'm goin' back again, I got to get to her somehow. All the people we used to know They're an illusion to me now. Some are mathematicians Some are carpenter's wives. Don't know how it all got started, I don't know what they're doin' with their lives. But me, I'm still on the road Headin' for another joint We always did feel the same, We just saw it from a different point of view, Tangled up in blue.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-4 13:32:55编辑过]


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好象没听过这歌      ...........



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