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1963-2000世界最伟大的一百首流行歌曲——Britney Spears [复制链接]

布莱尼 1981年12月2日出生在 Kentwood 路易斯安那的一个南方小镇上(当地人口大约:1200)那儿是她生活最长的地方。 她在非常年轻的时候就开始了表演,首先是在当地的舞台和教会唱经班中,之后是在全国的广告和百老汇节目中,并且最后在她11岁的时候担任了两个季节的米老鼠俱乐部电视表演节目。(其中包括后来的超级男孩组合N'Sync的成员 Joshua "JC" Chasez 和 justin Timberlake )。在94年离开米老鼠俱乐部之后,她为一个叫 all-girl 的演唱组做试听,但是结果却被曲折的摇摆乐所替代。 摇摆乐的盛行和入侵,在市场的驱动下布莱尼来到了后街男孩组合,在后街男孩的 CD 样品中包含了她的歌,还免费提供了她的视频预览(这位热门的小明星在她的影带中以花格呢的天主教女生短裙装和紧身的 Baby tee,赢得了极佳的印象)。“I'll never break your Heart” MTV 登上了有线音乐频道的排行榜,并且深受美国青少年的喜爱!(随之传出了小甜甜布兰尼与超级男孩 Timberlak 和后街男孩 Nick Carter 的浪漫史。对此布莱尼予以否认,虽然她承认在米老鼠俱乐部时 Justin 曾给了她一个初吻,但那只是互相产生了好感而已)与男孩乐队的连接没也在那里结束;布莱尼又和超级男孩作了慈善巡演。 所有的这些市场吵作,很明显是在为她的第一首单曲“Baby One More Time”作铺垫。这张专集初次登场便席卷全美和英吉利海峡,并荣登 Billboard 榜 No.1 。 使得小甜甜布莱尼成为了 Billboard 公告榜历史上最年青的女艺人!在一周之内她的第一张专集,她的第一首单曲便跃居全球排行榜的第一!这张专集同样也在加拿大取得了第一的宝座,自发行一周内已经持续买出超过 10 万张大碟。更稳固了它在排行榜前 10 名的位置。

25.Britney Spears-Baby one more time


歌词:Oh baby baby) (Oh baby baby) Oh baby baby How was I supposed to know that something wasn't right here Oh baby baby I shouldn't have let you go and now you're out of sight yeah Show me how you want it to be tell me baby cause I need to know now oh because My loneliness is killing me (and I) I must confess I still believe (still believe) When I'm not with you I lose my mind give me a sign hit me baby one more time Oh baby baby The reason I breathe is you Boy you've got me blinded Oh pretty baby There's nothing that I wouldn't do It's not the way I planned it Show me how you want it to be tell me baby cause I need to know now oh because My loneliness is killing me (and I) I must confess I still believe (still believe) when I'm not with you I lose my mind give me a sign hit me baby one more time (Oh baby baby) (Oh baby baby) Oh baby baby How was I supposed to know Oh pretty baby I shouldn't have let you go I must confess that my loneliness is killing me now Don't you know I still believe that you will be here and give me a sign hit me baby one more time My loneliness is killing me (and I) I must confess I still believe (still believe) When I'm not with you I lose my mind give me a sign hit me baby I must confess that my loneliness is killing me now Don't you know I still believe that you will be here and give me a sign hit me baby one more time




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