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1963-2000世界最伟大的一百首流行歌曲——TLC [复制链接]


原名 Second Nature 的 TLC 于 1991 组建。 T - Boz 来自爱荷华、Left Eye 来自费城、Chilli 则来自乔治亚。最初节奏蓝调制作人 Jermaine Dupri 发现了这三位潜力无穷的少女,之后,LaFace 唱片公司的 L.A Reid 和葛莱美得奖歌手兼作词兼制作人的 Babyface,联手将他们推上冠军团体宝座。

TLC 尝试把从小影响她们服装和语言甚巨的饶舌歌和节奏蓝调融合并带进音乐中,1992 年先以“Ain't Too Proud To Beg”一举拿下全美第6名,随后“Baby - Baby - Baby”再接再厉拿下亚军席次,为 TLC 开启了一扇通往全球巨星特区的大门。首张专辑《Ooooooohh...On The TLC Tip》拿下全美专辑第14名,专辑销售超过400万张,证明了这3个身上挂满保险套的女孩,已成为当时最受欢迎的流行女子组合。

在 1995 年发表第二张专辑《Crazy Sexy Cool》的前一刻,Lisa Lopes 因纵火烧毁男友的房子而遭逮捕入狱,却一点也没有影响到《Crazy Sexy Cool》的攻势。先是单曲“Creep”获得 Billboard 流行及 R&B 单曲榜冠军,而接连几首单曲“Red Light Special”(US Top.2)、“Waterfall”(US Top.1)、“Digging On You”(US Top.5)的傲人成绩,说明了全球乐迷的爱戴,以及 TLC 改以日趋成熟的 R&B 美声路线的大获全胜。专辑不但打进美国专辑榜第3名,当选美国 Spin、英国 Q、Melody Maker 杂志 1995 年度最佳专辑,更是抱回多项奖项,如葛莱美最佳 R&B 专辑、Billboard 音乐奖年度最佳艺人等3项大奖及 MTV 音乐奖年度最佳音乐录影带等4项大奖。

对於到手不易的盛名,TLC 更花了将近4年的时间筹备下一张专辑《Fanmail》,专辑由 Dallas Austin 等制作,展现日趋成熟的 R&B 曲风以及超未来的整体概念,独出一格的运用回然不同音乐元素却叫人讶异地完美相容。由“Fanmail”、“Silly Ho”勾勒出喃喃说念间的冷酷异境,到“I Miss You So Much”、“Unpretty”中 TLC 却又唱出可与才女前辈 Tracy Chapman 媲美的民谣才情,再到“Dear Lie”中寂寥南方的吉他声,硬是将这一首纯正 R&B 小品唱入每一位摇滚浪人的心坎,TLC 已将 R&B 风格带往更臻完美的极地。

在最新专辑Fan Mail-疯狂邮件中,TLC发扬了一贯的「集娱乐与教育发展于一身」的任务。除了收录超红制作人Babyface制作的〝Miss You So Much〞和〝Don't Lie〞,还有红牌如:Darryl、Jermaine和新进制作人Shekspere等人的呕心沥血作品,因此在整张作品音乐版图上而言,应该可以说是相当丰富且多元化的。

事实上,在听过Fan Mail的人无一不沉醉其中。从首支单曲No Scrubs曼陀铃和半原音吉他,到发人省思的必备单曲Unpretty,T Boz性感与智能兼具的嗓音随着美妙的旋律绕梁不去。

而专辑中的另一首Silly Ho,想必会成为99年的舞曲经典吧!TLC这次的每首歌,都要有探讨的议题和顺耳的旋律,再加上Left Eye挡不住的动感饶舌和Chilli完美的和声,【Fan Mail】肯定会成为一张无所不在的专辑。而【Fan Mail】不只是张献给歌迷的礼物,也是张90年代末最坦白并最具代表的街头灵魂乐。


PS,其中的“LEFT EYE”LISA已于三年前车祸丧生,哀悼一下


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-2 10:07:06编辑过]





A lonely mother gazing out of the window
Staring at a son that she just can't touch
If at any time he's in a jam she'll be by his side
But he doesn't realize he hurts her so much
But all the praying just ain't helping at all
Cause he can't seem to keep his self out of trouble
So he goes out and he makes his money the best way he knows how
Another body laying cold in the gutter Listen to me

Don't go chasing waterfalls
Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to
I know that ypu're gonna have it your way or nothing at all
But I think you're moving too fast
Verse 2

Little precious has a natural obsession
For temptation but he just can't see
She gives him loving that his body can't handle
But all he can say is baby it's good to me
One day he goes and takes a glimpse in the mirror
But he doesn't recognize his own face
His health is fading and he doesn't know why
3 letters took him to his final resting place
Ya'll dont'hear me


I seen a rainbow yesterday
But too many storms have come
Leaving a trace of not one God-given ray
Is it because my life is ten shades of grey
I pray all ten fade away
Seldem praise Him for the sunny days
And like His promise is true
Only my faith can undo
The many chances I blew
To bring my life to a new
Clear blue and unconditional skies
Have dried the tears from my eyes
No more lonely cries
My only bleedin' hope is for the folk who can't cope
With such an endurin' pain that it keeps 'em in the pouring rain
Who's to blame for shootin'caine into you're own vein
What a shame you shoot and aim for someone else's brain
You claim the insane and name this day in time
For fallin' prey to crime
I say the system got you victim to your own mind
Dreams are hopeless aspirations
In hopes of comin' true
Believe in yourself
The rest is up to me and you





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