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Barbra Streisand [复制链接]


       老牌多栖明星芭芭拉·史翠珊(Barbra Streisand)和比吉斯乐队(Bee Gees)成员巴里.吉布(Barry Gibb)将再次合作,两位老牌歌手将以二人合唱组的形式出现在哥伦比亚公司预计在9月20日的发行双碟装合唱专辑中。歌曲风格会接近他们在80年代曾经合作过的畅销单曲《Guilty》。名为《Guilty Pleasures》的新专辑的主打歌是史翠珊和吉布合唱的《Come Tomorrow》和《Above the Law》。

  专辑中的其他歌曲包括:《Hideaway》,《Night of My Life》,《Without Your Love (Along the Way)》和《Golden Dawn》本张专辑在迈阿密Barry Gibb的录音室和加力夫.卡尔沃市的索尼电影录音室中录制完成。这张双碟版新专辑的DVD中收录了史翠珊和吉布录制专辑的一些花絮,以及在歌曲《Stranger in a Strange Land》,《Above the Law》,《Hideaway》和钢琴版的《Letting Go》录音时的情况。

  和上张专辑一样,《Guilty Pleasures》也是由巴里.吉布创作,之后请史翠珊演唱的。《Guilty Pleasures》是在1999年的《A Love Like Ours》之后芭芭拉.史翠珊出版的首张录音室唱片。

  Guilty至今依然是当代成人流行音乐的经典,同时也是史翠珊销量最好的一张专辑。专辑中有三首单曲进入公告牌流行单曲排行榜前十:其中《Woman in Love》排第一, 《Guilty》排第三,《What Kind of Fool》名列第十。另外专辑同名歌曲《Guilty》还获得格莱美最佳流行组合奖。



You May be someone elses sweetheart
Fighting someone elses war
And if you suffer for the millions
Then its what your fighting for

Someone believes in only light of day
Someone strong enough to show the way
Someone everyone believes in
Someone who.., Will stand by you

And that will be your heart in mine
My love is on the line
I know its how i'm gona stay
For a Stranger in a strange land far away

And just to see your spirit shine
I feel your hand in mine
I write a letter every single day
to a stranger in a strange land far away

May we share the most tomorrows
I will hear you when you cry
Should we let it come between us
Never knowing how we live or die
I will walk you through the pouring rain
I will help you learn to live and love again
If i'm heald before you go to heaven
I send you home again

And that will be your heart in mine
My love is on the line
I know its how i'm gona stay
To a stranger in a strange land far away

And somewhere in the lonley night
your flame is burning bright
I know its how i'm gona stay
For a stranger in a strange land far away

And just to see your spirit shine
I feel your hand in mine
I write a letter every single day
to a stranger in a strange land far away
Ooooh Oooh ooh ooh
Far away




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