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请问谁有linkin park的believe me? [复制链接]


我想找linkin park的歌,believe me,请问谁有??


Titi, je t'amie toujours!
In my heart there always be a place for you, for all my live...





Believe Me-Fort Minor

身为联合公园(Linkin Park)首脑及主唱之一的麦克(MC Mike Shinoda),将化身为黑暗堡垒(Fort Minor简称为FM),推出全新首张革命大碟『The Rising Tied』。随着专辑的即将发行,首支单曲「Believe Me」已在各电台强力放送。
  当黑暗堡垒(Fort Minor简称为FM)专辑发行的消息一曝光时,在联合公园的歌迷群里,就开始热烈地讨论,联合公园是不是要解散了。于是所有LP的信徒们,都在各大联合公园的家族网站、部落格、及留言板上,热烈地讨论着。而这波雪球般越滚越大的传言,也传到了联合公园团员的耳里,听到这个传言的团员们,很感动的表示谢谢这些歌迷朋友对他们的支持及喜爱。随即共同公开一份声明稿表示,联合公园不会解散,目前也在准备全新专辑,预计在明年带着全新的作品和大家见面。除此之外,LP团员们非常骄傲在麦克的带领下,能够让黑暗保垒(Fort Minor简称为FM)这个同属于联合公园家族一分子的新血可以诞生,所有LP的成员将会力挺FM到底,一起见证黑暗保垒再次为乐坛带来一场新的音乐革命。
  首支祭出的單曲 “Believe Me”,在搖搖欲墬的薄弱關係裡,以劇烈跳動的拍子為基底,注入拉丁節奏,伴隨大提琴的低音聲線,反映麥可體內的熱血對經典搖滾的狂愛。“High Road”彈跳著有如鋼琴大師比利喬手中流洩的音符,以幽默的聲調,流轉著興奮的節奏。在“Remember The Name”裡,麥克以第三人稱的方式,將一般街頭饒舌裡的那種吹噓、自誇口吻,轉化成精細且微妙的文字節奏。” 5%歡愉、50%痛苦、還有100%的理由 牢記這個名字”這就是一小段來自“Remember The Name”裡文字遊戲。另外一首歌“Where’d You Go?,算是麥克從沒嘗試過的抒情曲風。以輕輕悲嘆的口吻,唱給那些曾經迷失方向的你和我,麥克還說,每次放這首歌時,老婆都會有感而發而落淚。
  Believe Me-Fort Minor
  Yeah, see that
  I guess that this is where we’e come to
  If you don’t want to
  Then you don’t have to
  Believe me
  But I won’t be there when you go down
  Just so you know now
  You’e on your own now
  Believe me
  Yeah , I don’t want to be the one to blame
  You like fun and games
  Keep playing Im, I’ just saying
  Think back then you was like one of the same
  On the right track, but I was on the wrong train
  I like that, now you gotta face the pain
  And the devil’s got a fresh new place to play
  In your brain, like a mange you can never escape
  The rain every damn day’s the same shade of grey
  Ey, I used to have a little bit of a plan
  Used to have a concept to where I stand
  But that concept slipped right out of my hand
  Now, I don’t even really know who I am
  Yo, what do I have to say?
  Maybe I should do what I have to do to break free
  I whatever’s gonna happen to you
  We’ll see
  But it’s not gonna happen to me
  I guess that this is where we’e come to
  If you don’t want to
  Then you don’t have to
  Believe me
  But I won’t be there when you go down
  Just so you know now
  You’e on your own now
  Believe me
  Well back then I thought you were just like me
  Somebody who could see all the pain I see
  But you proved to me, unintentionally
  That you would selfdestruct eventually
  Now I’ thinking like the mistake
  A m- doesn’t hurt
  But it’s not gonna work ’Cause it’s really much worse than I thought
  I wished that you were something you were not
  And now this guilt is really all that I got
  Oh, you turn your back and walk away in shame
  All you got is a memory and pain
  Nothing makes sense, you just stare at the ground
  You hear my voice in your head when no one else is around
  What do I have to say?
  Maybe I should do what I have to do to break free
  I whatever’s gonna happen to you
  We’ll see
  But it’s not gonna happen to me
  I guess that this is where we’e come to
  If you don’t want to
  Then you don’t have to
  Believe me
  But I won’t be there when you go down
  Just so you know now
  You’e on your own now
  Believe me
  I guess that this is where we’e come to
  If you don’t want to
  Then you don’t have to
  Believe me
  But I won’t be there when you go down
  Just so you know now
  You’e on your own now
  Believe me
  I’ll do what I have to do
  You’e on your own now believe me
  Whatever happen to you
  You’e on your own now believe me
  What do I have to say
  You’e on your own now believe me
  It’s not gonna happen to me
  You’e on your own now believe me
  Yeah, what, woo, that’s right
  Here’s the thing

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-9 18:30:35编辑过]


Titi, je t'amie toujours!
In my heart there always be a place for you, for all my live...



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