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[分享]《谍中谍1和2》主题曲 [复制链接]


谍中谍1:Theme From Mission Impossible


谍中谍2:软饼干乐队(作品今后另帖介绍):Take A Look Around


Take A Look Around

All the tension in the world today
All the little girls fillin' up the world today
With the good comes the bad - the bad comes the good
But I'ma live my life like I should (Like I should)
Now all the critics wanna hit it, to shit-can how we did it, just because they
don't get it
But I'll stay fitted, new era committed
Now this red cap gets a wrap from these critics

Do we always gotta cry? (Always gotta cry...)
Do we always gotta live inside a lie? (Live inside a lie...)
Life's just a blast, it's movin' really fast
Better stay on top or life'll kick you in the ass

Follow me into a solo, remember that
Kid, so what you wanna do?
And where you gonna run when you're starin' down the cable of a...
Mic pointed at your grill like a gun

Limp Bizkit is rockin' the set
It's like Russian Roulette, when you're placin' your bet
So don't be upset when you're broke and you're done, cause I'ma be the one 'til
I jet

I know why you wanna hate me
I know why you wanna hate me
I know why you wanna hate me
Cause hate is all the world has even seen lately

I know why you wanna hate me
I know why you wanna hate me
Now I know why you wanna hate me
Cause hate is all the world has even seen lately

Now you wanna hate me
Cause hate is all the world has even seen lately
Now you wanna hate me
Cause hate is all the world has even seen lately

Does anybody really know the secret?
Or the combination for this life, and where they keep it?
It's kinda sad when you don't know the meanin'
But everything happens for a reason (Everything happens for a reason...)

I don't even know what I should say
Cause I'm an idiot, a loser, a microphone abuser
I analyze every second I exist
Beatin' up my mind every second with my fist
And everybody wanna run (Wanna run...)
Everybody wanna hide from the gun (From the gun...)
You can take that ride through this life if you want
But you can't take the edge off the knife (No sir)
And now you want your money back
But you're denied, cause your brain's fried from the sack
And there ain't nothin' I can do
Cause life is a lesson, you learn it when you're through

I know why you wanna hate me
I know why you wanna hate me
I know why you wanna hate me
Cause hate is all the world has even seen lately

I know why you wanna hate me
I know why you wanna hate me
Now I know why you wanna hate me
Cause hate is all the world has even seen lately

Now you wanna hate me
Cause hate is all the world has even seen lately
Now you wanna hate me
Cause hate is all the world has even seen lately

Now I know why
Now I know why
Now I know why
Now I know why

Now I know why you wanna hate me
Now I know why you wanna hate me
Now I know why you wanna hate me
Cause hate is all the world has even seen lately
Cause hate is all the world has even seen lately
Cause hate is all the world has even seen lately

谍中谍2无疑令人失望,但是主题歌《TAKE A LOOK AROUND》却极其出色:以第一集电影音乐的主旋律为动机,敷演出精彩绝伦的说唱,令人激赏!年轻的软饼干乐队(LIMP BIZKIT)借此歌一举成名。

Limp Bizkit是美国知名的说唱摇滚乐队。其主唱以及灵魂人物是一直自称为“怪物”的Fred Durst。Fred Durst是弗罗里达州Jacksonville的一个警察的儿子。出生在1970年的八月。他高中毕业后,参加了海军,在海军的时候就开始玩音乐。但是一直都得不到赏识。后来他从海军退伍,以纹身为职业。后来结了婚,生活非常的艰难。 可以说是生活在美国下层社会的一员。据说他也当过街头的小混混。但是这一切都没有能阻挡住他对音乐的热爱。他不停的参加一些当时有名的一些乐队的演出活动,希望有朝一日能出人头地。

1994年,他创建了自己的乐队Limp Bizkit。 这个名字在中文中并不好翻译, 很多的地方翻译为小甜饼什么的,但是bizkit并非是甜饼的意思。据我一位热爱音乐的美国朋友的猜测,这个名字其实是德文。估计意思是指男性性器官萎缩的状态。但是这些都是猜测而已。在我看来一点也不可信。


1997年,他和他的乐队发行了第一张专辑“Three Dollar Bill。”这张专辑突破了1.5百万美元的销售成绩。美国的MTV频道对他的成功也给予了大力的支持。如果你喜欢霹雳舞的话,那么你一定不会失望他们乐队随后在ozz音乐会几乎近似疯狂的表现。
Limp Bizkit的音乐一般是描述社会现象以及个人的感受为主要内容。过于疯狂的自我感受的陈诉,赤裸裸的解析自我,虽说很多的东西涉及到性,毒品一类的,但是,这种毫无掩饰的诚恳地在我看来,就是音乐领域中的毕加索。他们的每一句歌词,每一个鼓点都能让听众有共鸣。



[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-25 21:57:34编辑过]








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