Gill Tells Fans To Expect New Big Names At United(吉尔告诉球迷准备期待新的大牌球星的加盟)
David Gill says United expect to make 'one or two very big signings in the summer,' but the chief executive has ruled out an immediate move for Real Madrid's Thomas Gravesen.(吉尔称曼联希望在夏天进行一到两个大手笔的交易,但是同时,这位首席执行官排除了目前格拉维森的转会可能)
Gill also insisted that the club have not yet reached their limit for this year's transfer budget and told fans to expect the arrival of a couple of big name midfielders ahead of next season.(吉尔同时还强调俱乐部还没有达到这个赛季的转会预算的上限并且告诉球迷们,期待下个赛季几位大牌中场的到来)
"We've not spent all of this year's transfer budget, but we are not interested in Gravesen," declared Gill in Sunday's papers.(他在周日对报纸说:“我们还没有花完这个赛季的所有转会预算,但是我们也对格拉维森没有兴趣。”)
"Maybe people did not think we had money after the takeover but perceptions are often not the same as reality. We will see what happens this summer, but there's cash to spend.(也许人们认为我们被收购之后没有钱,但是事实总是和预想不一样的,我们可以看看夏季会发生什么。)
"Although we have [Nemanja] Vidic and [Patrice] Evra now, as Alex says, it is clear we need to strengthen in midfield and buy a very big player - the fans want that and we aim to do it.(尽管我们已经有了维迪奇和埃弗拉,但就象弗格森说的,很明显我们还需要加强中场,买一个世界级的球员,球迷们需要他,我们也希望这么做。)
"But to identify that player is not easy and then to attract that player is again not easy. However, the strength of the club means we are very confident of being able to recruit the very best. (但是寻找这样的球员并不容易,同时要能够吸引这名球员加盟也不是一件容易的事。然而,俱乐部实力的加强意味着我们更有信心做到最好。)
"There's cash to spend and we will be making one or two very big signings in the summer." (今年夏天我们将会花大价钱带来一到两个大手笔的交易)
David Gill
"We will be making one or two very big signings in the summer, but the players we want are playing in the Champions League, so we will have to wait." (我们将会收购的这一到两名球员由于现在还在打冠军联赛,所以我们还得等。)
Gill also stated that the Glazer family will continue to back Sir Alex Ferguson in the transfer market.(吉尔同时强调格雷泽家族会继续在转会市场上支持主帅。)
"You don't spend the type of money we have on two new players when you are not supporting your manager," he explained.(他解释到,如果你不支持你的主教练,那么你就不会花这么多钱来买维地奇和埃弗拉。)
"They have said all along there would be money for players and have demonstrated that with these signings.(他们说买球员钱不是问题,并已经用最近的几笔收购证明了这一点。)
"Everyone associated with the club understands that success on the pitch drives everything so we have to buy new players to continue moving forward.(每个人都要站在理解俱乐部的立场上,那就是球场上的成功是每个人的动力和目标,所以我们会继续收购新的球员来使得我们继续前进的。)
"The Glazer family are very interested and supportive of what we are doing."(格雷泽家族非常支持我们现在做到的事情。)
Transfer Speculation: January 2006(一月转会可能)
David Gill has refuted reports linking United with a move for Thomas Gravesen, but the chief executive insists the Reds will make one or two big signings in the summer.(吉尔已经否决了与球队相联系的格拉维森的转会,但是他强调了会在夏天进行一到两笔的大交易。)
Midfielders are now top of the wish-list, according to Gill, following the arrival of two defenders - Nemanja Vidic and Patrice Evra.(所以根据吉尔的话,随着两位防守球员的到来,中场现在是收购清单上的重点)
United are reportedly tracking 19-year-old Raul Garcia (pictured) who has been Osasuna's star man this season.(曼联已经证实正在追逐奥萨苏纳队本赛季的明星球员劳尔。加西亚。)
The News of the World claims the club have had the £10million-rated youngster watched several times this season but face a battle for his services from both Madrid giants, Real and Atletico.(世界新闻报声称俱乐部准备了1000万英镑,同时准备利用赛季剩下的时间观察这位年轻人,但是俱乐部同时面对着皇家马德里和马德里竞技的竞争。)
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-17 17:38:38编辑过]