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Andy Tuman《Quiet inside》 [复制链接]



      声音让人很疼,听的越久越疼痛.吉他随性的拨弄,和着沙哑的嗓音,低回细碎的吉他则不时地渗出曲中幽微阴暗的情感.疲倦似乎越压越近……越压越近……Andy Tubman有让人安静的魔力,你用心听,便开始沉睡.是被侵蚀的慌乱,一种想沉陷的欲望,渐渐地沉醉下去,无可救药……有时候会突然的感动起来,会绝望,会遗弃,其实只是害怕失去.是不是,害怕安抚?我只能感觉到此时与它发生心灵的共振:孤独,静寂,伤感,不过正是由于这些情感侵占了我的理性,心灵才有了久违的平静,没有竞争,没有理想,没有猜忌,没有烦恼,不用顾及他人的感受,也不需要考虑后果,此刻就为自己而活着,简单的活着…


Andy Tubman—quiet inside

couldn't make colors match today
I don't know what eles to say
except dark tricks they can see i didn't
I don't like the staff they are feeding me
they don't like the things i say
but i don't think i need to be forgiven

I have quiet inside
although it drag me by a while
through the storm that crack the sky
I am quiet inside

i used to be so hard to find
raging tears filled my eye
but now i believe i see much clear
my clearenty did not come easily
my sails was knock into me
now at least i know who is in the mirro

I am quiet inside though it drag me by a whiles
through the storms that crack the sky
I am quiet inside  

I am quiet inside though it drag me by a whiles
through the storms that crack the sky
I am quiet inside  

ye i'm quiet inside
i am quiet  

i couldn't make colors match today
I don't know what eles to say


I have quiet inside
although it drag me by a while
through the storm that crack the sky
I am quiet inside

i used to be so hard to find
raging tears filled my eye
but now i believe i see much clear
my clearenty did not come easily
my sails was knock into me
now at least i know who is in the mirro

I am quiet inside though it drag me by a whiles
through the storms that crack the sky
I am quiet inside  

I am quiet inside though it drag me by a whiles
through the storms that crack the sky
I am quiet inside  

ye i'm quiet inside
i am quiet  

i couldn't make colors match today
I don't know what eles to say


I have quiet inside
although it drag me by a while
through the storm that crack the sky
I am quiet inside

i used to be so hard to find
raging tears filled my eye
but now i believe i see much clear
my clearenty did not come easily
my sails was knock into me
now at least i know who is in the mirro

I am quiet inside though it drag me by a whiles
through the storms that crack the sky
I am quiet inside  

I am quiet inside though it drag me by a whiles
through the storms that crack the sky
I am quiet inside  

ye i'm quiet inside
i am quiet  

i couldn't make colors match today
I don't know what eles to say


I have quiet inside
although it drag me by a while
through the storm that crack the sky
I am quiet inside

i used to be so hard to find
raging tears filled my eye
but now i believe i see much clear
my clearenty did not come easily
my sails was knock into me
now at least i know who is in the mirro

I am quiet inside though it drag me by a whiles
through the storms that crack the sky
I am quiet inside  

I am quiet inside though it drag me by a whiles
through the storms that crack the sky
I am quiet inside  

ye i'm quiet inside
i am quiet  

i couldn't make colors match today
I don't know what eles to say



[此贴子已经被焰色夏树于2006-4-1 18:59:29编辑过]









可惜  到那一天   你听的是更为经典的...大悲歌.[em04]
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