本曲选自德国唯美厂牌Hyperium《Heavenly Voices》系列的第5张大碟。来自澳洲的女声乐队Single Gun Theory与Sarah McLachlan以及Delerium同出自加拿大舞曲厂牌Nettwerk旗下,云集着世上另一方美妙的女声。
三人乐队,由澳大利亚与新加坡人组成,他们的音乐是仙音女声,民乐采样和重鼓点节奏的结合,这首Motherland则是Single Gun Theory首发于94年的同名专辑中的主打。Motherland展现了现代人内心回归心灵原乡、回归曾经的纯真年代的渴望。间奏加入一段咱们中国东北唢呐的采样,唢呐这种极其悲伤或者极度喜庆的乐器换成合成乐放在这里成了画龙点睛,加之和声,勾勒出一幅不甚悲伤的思乡与相思图景。
主唱温暖的、女性化的吟唱,流畅唯美的旋律,能在第一个音符响起的时候就将你牢牢抓住! 极端的原汁原味,如同暖融融的春日,坐在故乡的溪边草地,对岸某个农家在办喜事,好一派风和日丽的景象..
a long long time ago
I picked flowers and sang on a hillside far away
I'm still singing
a long long time ago
I felt love for the first time
it's still with me now
through the years, through the years
carried pain and loss with my love
a long long time ago
you and I swam in the river of our souls united
a long long time ago
you and I kissed goodbye the love of our lived
it's still with me now
take a piece of beauty
and multiply it like fishes
take some pain
and overwhelm it till it dies
ride a restless soul to peace and sanctuary
and multiply the love
I multiply the love