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1963-2000世界最伟大的一百首流行歌曲——LL Cool J [复制链接]


曾締造多項第一紀錄:第一位以饒舌歌曲攻頂Billboard流行榜冠軍;第一位參加「MTV不插電現場演唱」之嘻哈藝人;第一位創下連續六張白金專輯與六張金唱片單曲饒舌歌手….一位天生藝人,永遠閃耀著巨星級奪目光芒。來自紐約長島、原名James Todd Smith,成長在音樂環境中的LL Cool J,9歲便開竅了饒舌韻腳、16歲發行首支單曲“I Need A Beat”,狂銷超過十萬張的驚人銷售量,促成LL Cool J勇戰樂壇之決心。1987年榮獲全美節奏藍調榜冠軍之“I Need Love”,獲選為滾石雜誌「流行音樂百大經典」之一;1985-2004年共推出11張個人專輯,締造一千五百餘萬張紀錄,兩項葛萊美以及MTV、Billboard、Soul Train、Source、紐約音樂…等獎項加冕,參與演出之戲劇也有20餘部之多,堪稱當今嘻哈/饒舌樂界最具影響力的人物之一。   
以自己原名命名的全新專輯【Todd Smith】,一字排開Jermaine Dupri(TLC、Run-D.M.C.、Usher)、Pharrell Williams(Jay-Z、Justin Timberlake、Britney Spears)、Scott Storch(Snoop Dogg、Nas、Busta Rhymes)、Trackmasters(Jennifer Lopez、Destiney's Child、R. Kelly)等人簇擁出閃亮製作陣容,外加好人緣的LL Cool J,邀來一票樂界好手助陣力挺。為節奏藍調耀眼新秀克里斯小子勇奪冠軍寶座“Run It!”助饒的Juelz Santana,齊力拱進強力電吉他搖滾聲波襯入在開場曲“It's LL And Santana”之中;首波強勢進榜單曲“Control Myself”,請來Jennifer Lopez挑逗發聲配唱,勢必再掀一波熱門話題演出;新世代靈魂女伶Mary J. Blige,在帶著些許靈魂爵士編曲“Favorite Flavor”中,獻出她無比動人聲線;歌影兩得意的Jamie Foxx,加上The Neptunes製作,宣洩獨特順暢放克靈魂韻調;曾在紀念槍殺身亡Notorios B.I.G.冠軍抒情單曲“I'll Be Missing You”中溫柔獻聲合音,入主吹牛老爹音樂廠牌旗下第一支美聲樂團112,在推薦小品“Down The Aisle”中有著絕對動聽回味音律;最後超值加收節奏藍調界救世主Ne-Yo冠軍單曲“So Sick”的混音版本,除了襯上LL Cool J的緩調饒舌演出外,還取樣Michael Jackson曾唱紅的舊作“Human Nature”。

80.LL Cool J-I Need Love


When I'm alone in my room sometimes I stare at the wall
and in the back of my mind I hear my conscience call
Telling me I need a girl who's as sweet as a dove
for the first time in my life, I see I need love
There I was giggling about the games
that I had played with many hearts, and I'm not saying no names
Then the thought occured, tear drops made my eyes burn
as I said to myself look what you've done to her
I can feel it inside, I can't explain how it feels
all I know is that I'll never dish another raw deal
Playing make believe pretending that I'm true
holding in my laugh as I say that I love you
Saying amor kissing you on the ear
whispering I love you and I'll always be here
Although I often reminsce I can't believe that I found
a desire for true love floating around
Inside my soul because my soul is cold
one half of me deserves to be this way till I'm old
But the other half needs affection and joy
and the warmth that is created by a girl and a boy
I need love
I need love

Romance sheer delight how sweet
I gotta find me a girl to make my life complete
You can scratch my back, we'll get cozy and huddle
I'll lay down my jacket so you can walk over a puddle
I'll give you a rose, pull out your chair before we eat
kiss you on the cheek and say ooh girl you're so sweet
It's deja vu whenever I'm with you
I could go on forever telling you what I do
But where you at you're neither here or there
I swear I can't find you anywhere
Damn sure you ain't in my closet, or under my rug
this love search is really making me bug
And if you know who you are why don't you make yourself seen
take the chance with my love and you'll find out what I mean
Fantasy's can run but they can't hide
and when I find you I'm gon' pour all my love inside
I need love
I need love

I wanna kiss you hold you never scold you just love you
suck on you neck, caress you and rub you
Grind moan and never be alone
if you're not standing next to me you're on the phone
Can't you hear it in my voice, I need love bad
I've got money but love's something I've never had
I need your ruby red lips sweet face and all
I love you more than a man who's 10 feet tall
I'd watch the sunrise in your eyes
we're so in love when we hug we become paralyzed
Our bodies explode in ecstasy unreal
you're as soft as a pillow and I'm as hard as steel
It's like a dream land, I can't lie I never been there
maybe this is an experience that me and you can share
Clean and unsoiled yet sweaty and wet
I swear to you this is something that I'll never forget
I need love
I need love

See what I mean I've changed I'm no longer
a play boy on the run I need something that's stronger
Friendship, trust honor respect admiration
this whole experience has been such a revelation
It's taught me love and how to be a real man
to always be considerate and do all I can
Protect you you're my lady and you mean so much
my body tingles all over from the slightest touch
Of your hand and understand I'll be frozen in time
till we meet face to face and you tell me you're mine
If I find you girl I swear I'll be a good man
I'm not gonna leave it in destiny's hands
I can't sit and wait for my princess to arrive
I gotta struggle and fight to keep my dream alive
I'll search the whole world for that special girl
when I finally find you watch our love unfurl
I need love
I need love

Girl, listen to me
When I be sittin in my room all alone, staring at the wall
fantasies, they go through my mind
And I've come to realize that I need true love
and if you wanna give it to me girl make yourself seen
I'll be waiting
I love you







但是..大概偶比较老土...每次听 rap就头晕....-_-|||

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