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don't look back in anger--发在决赛后 [复制链接]




Thanks Leamahn, from nowhere he became the world's best nowdays.
Thanks Eboue, A great player you can always trust.
Thanks Kolo, I thank god we have him
Thanks Sol, He had his hard time, even soccer players are human beings, I couldn't have been happier when he scored.
Thanks Phil, You were there all season long, and did not let us down
Thanks Ash, Because your great. and I want great players in my team.
Thanks Clischy, because you are as good as Ash.
Thanks Flamini, If that f****g referee would have sent Almunia off, I bet Wenger could have sent Flamini to be our goalie, and he would have done that well.
THANKS GILBERTO, we were in no man's land without you.
Thanks Freddie, you always did your best, which was great.
Thanks Cesc, for the dreams you make us dream, our future is bright, our future is you.
Thanks Bobby, who changed his game to cover what had to be covered when Vieira was gone.
Thanks Reyes, When you lose the ball you are even more sad than I am.
Thanks Hleb, you were great for the final stages.
Thanks Robin, You gave us a magical period, I'm sure you'll give us a lot more.
Thanks Thierry, Do I really need to say anything ?
Yes - Please stay.

Thanks Arsène, for giving us this great team to support. for those great last nine years. for the future we want. FOR THE FOOTBALL WE ARE USED TO.

and last but not least, a very special thanks to Dennis Bergkamp - Thanks for playing football, and thanks for doing it for us.
Broke my heart when I realized you will not get the chance to play...
Every good thing must end someday, and your soccer will remain alive in our hearts for ever



Don't Look Back In Anger

Slip inside the eye of your mind
Don't you know you might find
A better place to play
You said that you'd once never been
All the things that you've seen
Will slowly fade away

So I start the revolution from my bed
Cos you said the brains I have went to my head
Step outside the summertime's in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out

So Sally can wait, she knows its too late as we're walking on by
Her soul slides away, but don't look back in anger I hear you say

Take me to the place where you go
Where nobody knows if it's night or day
Please don't put your life in the hands
Of a Rock n Roll band
Who'll throw it all away

So I start the revolution from my bed
Cos you said the brains I have went to my head
Step outside the summertime's in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out

So Sally can wait, she knows its too late as we're walking on by
Her soul slides away, but don't look back in anger I hear you say

So Sally can wait, she knows its too late as we're walking on by
Her soul slides away, but don't look back in anger I hear you say

So Sally can wait, she knows its too late as we're walking on by
Her soul slides away
Don't look back in anger
Don't look back in anger
I heard you say
At least not today





We Will Be Back








thank you gunnerS~~~

What a season we have had!!!



Thanks everyone~~my gooners[em03]

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-18 11:53:14编辑过]






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