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[转帖][天空体育7月16日]加图索开始考虑前途 [复制链接]


Gennaro Gattuso's agent admits his charge is yet to make a decision on his future. 加图索的经纪人承认,他的工作是为加图索的前途做决定。

The Milan midfield general has always maintained his loyalty to The Rossoneri cause, but a number of sides are still gearing up to test the resolve of the Serie A giant. 米兰中场一直维护自己对Rossoneri的忠诚,但是别的俱乐部仍然准备试探意甲巨人的决心。

Manchester United are thought to head the queue for the former Rangers ace, who must decide whether to stick with Milan - who avoided demotion to Serie B, but were deducted points meaning they will not be in Europe next term. 在众多追随者中曼联是最靠前的一个,这使前流浪者球员开始考虑是否继续留在米兰。此前,AC米兰俱乐部刚刚避免降入乙级的危险,但扣分却未能幸免,并且失去了新赛季参加冠军杯的资格。

"I am going to sit down with Gennaro now in order to discuss the implications of all of this," his agent Andrea D'Amico told The Mail on Sunday.“ 我会和加图索坐下来好好谈谈这些,”经纪人Andrea D'Amico在星期天的信上这么说。

"Only after this in-depth chat can we decide what will be best for his future." “只有经过了深入的探讨,我们才能决定他前途的方向。”

Sir Alex Ferguson has confirmed he is keeping an eye on the situation Italy after Juventus, Lazio and Fiorentina were relegated - and all three along with Milan were ruled out of European competition. 弗格森已经表示他正关注着丑闻事件之后的意大利足坛。此前,尤文等三支球队被勒令降级,并与米兰一样失去了参加下赛季欧战的资格。



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