马竞教练对托雷斯的担心Javier Aguirre has revealed Fernando Torres may not be an Atletico Madrid player next season. 马竞主席Javier Aguirre日前表示,费尔南多-托雷斯下赛季或许不会留在马德里竞技。 Just a day after being reassured the Spain international is not for sale, Atletico coach Aguirre is now contemplating the striker's exit.虽然就一天前托雷斯还被认为不会被出售,但现在马竞教练目前担心托雷斯可能会离队。
The Mexican had been hoping to count on Torres for next term, but after speaking to the player, a transfer may be in the pipeline.墨西哥人一直希望下赛季留住托雷斯,在他向队员们发表演讲之后,转会或许已经在操作之中。
Manchester United have been heavily linked with a big-money bid, while Newcastle United and Tottenham Hotspur have been credited with an interest in the past.纽卡斯尔,热刺都表示过对托雷斯的兴趣。但曼联被认为是这笔潜在的巨大金额交易的最大买家。
Atletico insist Torres will not leave the club for less than his £41.4 million buy-out clause, but Aguirre now fears the 22-year-old does not want to return to the Vicente Calderon.尽管马竞一口咬定在不会接受任何低于4140万英镑的报价,但主教练Aguirre现在担心下赛季22岁的神童也许不再回到卡尔德隆球场。
Aguirre admits the club's talisman has not confirmed he will be playing for Atletico next season, although the coach hopes Torres will stay. Aguirre承认尽管他希望托雷斯留下,但并不确定俱乐部的王牌下赛季是否仍为马竞效力。
"I've spoken to Fernando and he hasn't been able to guarantee his presence in the team in the forthcoming season," Aguirre told Marca.“我对费尔南多谈过这件事情,但他并不能保证出现在下赛季马竞的阵容中。”Aguirre对《马卡报》如是说。
"The market is still open and a lot of things can happen, but it is clear that every day that passes is one day less for something to occur.“转会窗口仍然开着,但很明显随着时间一天天过去,某些事发生的可能性也在降低。”
"What I want to make clear, though, is that Fernando has a great commitment to the club."“尽管如此,我想说的是费尔南多曾经对俱乐部许下承诺。”
Torres' agent Antonio Sanz has moved to soothe Aguirre's concerns by insisting his client wants to stay in the Spanish capital and has not received any offers to leave.托雷斯的经纪人Antonio Sanz向Aguirre表示托雷斯将继续留在西班牙首都而并没有收到任何邀请,以此来宽慰他。
"On July 21, Torres will join Atletico Madrid for pre-season training," said Sanz. “在7月21日,托雷斯将会参加马竞的季前训练。”Sanz.说。
"Torres has two years left on his contract with Atletico and then we will see what happens. 托雷斯与马竞还有两年合同,到时候我们就知道会发生什么。
"Neither us, nor the club, has received an offer from Manchester United, or any other clubs for that matter. “不仅仅我,马德里竞技队也没有收到任何球队的报价,包括曼联队在内。”
"After the World Cup, there has been interest from Italian clubs, but not from English clubs, and there hasn't been anything concrete. “在世界杯结束之后,他曾经受到过来自意大利的俱乐部的青睐,但没有来自英格兰俱乐部的。什么都没发生。”
"The player's intention is to remain at the club."“他希望继续留在队中。”