Wenger Will Remember Adam Dudas's Name
这一周我们可能就会知道世界知名俱乐部是否会对Adam Dudas提供一份合同.我们采访了他.
Adam Dudas 被邀请到阿森纳试训两个星期.来自Gyori ETO足球俱乐部的天才小将和枪手们一起训练了十天.试训结果相当成功,现在这名小将在匈牙利等待着来自英格兰俱乐部(但愿是积极)的回复.
A: My schedule was pretty busy, i got a bit tired by the end. Sometimes i only had to go to one practice, but usually we trained twice a day.
The first practice started at 9 a.m., then we had lunch together and another practice after a short break. In my free time, i swam, watched TV, mostly rested for the following day. I did some sightseeing in London and could attend the fantastic athmosphere at Dennis Bergkamp's farewell match, where I met Thierry Henry.
Q: Did you train at Emirates stadium?
A: No. Our practices were at the club's world class training grounds. They have about 15-20 high quality pitches there.
Q: How did the practices go?
A: We didn't have too many assignments, but whatever they asked us, we had to do with momentum. This was probably the biggest difference to our practices at home. And also that even scrimmages were very fast-paced.
Q: But you didn't always train with the first team, right?
A: I trained with them the first day, then with the juniors when they travelled to Austria. Then when they returned, i joined them again.
他们知道我是年轻球员.但是他们从来没让我觉得他们是超级球星.他们总是表现得很平常.虽然我的英语不是很好,但是我们彼此都能理解大家.我尤其和荷兰边锋Vincent van den Berg.谈论很多.
Q: We heard that Wenger worked with you separately too.
A: Yes, that's true. I worked with at least five coaches while i was there and the manager was one of them. He also came out to take an extra look at me after one of the practices. I had to dribble the ball towards goal, get past the keeper, and score. Luckily, I managed to finish every situation well.
Q: You also got a few matches in.
A: Yes, and i don't think i played too badly. I scored in the first match and had an assist in the second. I also scored a few times in scrimmages.
Q: What would you say in general about the days you spent there?
A: I feel like I did all I could. What that will result in, I don't know. But i don't even want to guess right now, out of superstition. For sure, several people wished me luck when we said good-bye and told me they hoped to see me again at the club.
Q: What's next, when do you think your fate will be decided?
A: I will join the others, I mean ETO players, on Tuesday. I will be able to train with the first team, as far as I know. Unfortunately, I don't yet know when, but I hope I'll get a favorable answer from London as soon as possible.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-9 17:50:03编辑过]