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关于阿森纳新援——又一杆小枪Nacer Barazite的资料可靠消息称我厂刚签下的又一个小孩子Nacer Barazite~由于年纪太小,资料不是很多,另外身高体重什么的数据也不算数~所以找了很久就找到以下一些:拥有荷兰国籍,但来自土耳其,是荷兰U17队员。此次转会是免费签的~但是...据说会给他老爸在俱乐部里找个工作~我上了NEC尼美根的官方网站查了这个小孩子,无奈在B1队里资料不详,也可能是我荷兰话看不懂呵呵,他是1990年5月27日出生的,所有俱乐部中关于青年队的新闻几乎全是他的——可见他挺红的~这是他们青年队教练的评价:I can tell Nacer Barazite is a real good player.And how I know?I"ve seen him play a lot of times.He"s in my school and this kid has a lot of talent.This season his team became champion and every goal they made was in contact with Nacer. He scored or he made an assist.It"s a kid from 15 years old in a man"s body.That he never played for Amsterdam doesn"t mean a thing.The kid lives in the other part of the Netherlands,and besides that NEC has the best football education of the Netherlands just like Amsterdam Ajax they have a 4 star education program. So there isn"t a differents for this him. He plays for the national team for a couple of years now.He"s a boy with golden legs.I think we will all hear a lot of him.从上面一段文字我们可以看出的,我们的这位小枪是队中的进攻核心,所有的进球几乎都和他有关,不是进球就是助攻,所以我猜想踢的应该是前腰位置,但由于15岁没定型应该不会固定,希望是个小小小小Bergkamp呵呵,另外他已具有成年队的身体条件(尽管照片看起来很嫩),已经为U17踢了2年.被教练誉为黄金脚- -....另外介绍下NEC俱乐部:NEC是荷兰甲级联赛传统球队,实力应属中上游,今年联赛排名第10,34轮比赛47积分。NEC队中没啥大牌球星,其中最出名的应该算来自巴拉圭的8号,Edgar Barreto,玩FM的朋友不会陌生,是个很好用的妖人。NEC除了成年队外还包括A1,B1,C1,C2,D1,D2和D under 11几个年龄段的青年队。