Rest assured a lengthy article will be written by myself on this matter tomorrow in which I will vent my full spleen. Needless to say, if ever a statement encapsulated the image of a club, this is it!
Little Dutch
I couldn't agree more. The actual content of the statement (though laughable) is of secondary importance, the fact that they would choose to issue it at all is the strongest indication yet that Chelsea is fundamentally insecure and those who run the club are of low character indeed.
Chelsea, what an absolute spaff of a club. Never in all my puff have I read such a petulant, childish and classless statement as that. They'll never live this down. Oh to be a Chelsea fan tonight!
I like the wage structure comment, pure class there! I don't think we need to get into a slanging match with chelsea, people are smart enough to see how we have handled the departure of Cashley Mole, releasing a nice little statement on the clubs website, and leaving it at that. Bring on Gallas, he will be immense for our club. just hope he can score the winner at stamford bridge, after nutmegging cole in the process!!!!
Why can't they let sleeping dogs lie?
What a complete joke of a club. They also fail to realise that with each statment made againsy Willie G, he becomes more and more of a hero to us Gooners!!!
Just contrast to that.. with all the back stabing Cole did to Arsenal, Wenger had only good wishes and good words for him. Thats called class.
unbelievable. they are unbelivable thats all i can say. they sound like little children that regret giving us their best defender or they just cant stand him being happy
R.I.P Chelsea Football Club. 1905-2006. That club is dead and it's never coming back.
Little Dutch
what can you say about it - by relasing this statement, they just drag their bloated fetid carcass further through the mud. I wouldnt be surprised if players (with scrupals and a sense of decency) were put off going there... however cashcowcole wasn't, i'm sure he's sipping on his gin and juice, counting his wad regardless, cos he can't read... »»Arsene Knows««