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by Kristian Leontiou

那天收拾硬盘里的东西,极不情愿的把这个压缩包打开的,都不知道放了多久了。一张纯粹POP的专集。这小子今年才21岁,淋着不列颠的雨长大,穿得有点hip-hop,幸亏只是穿得像而已。长得不是很美型,于是图片就略了吧。出这CD的时候是两年前。声音很成熟,沙哑倒是不觉得,好听。这首some say是第7首,听了最舒服。Some day soon,对的,这名字就是他对自己未来的预见吧,祝他好运。


No more trouble in my soul
No more time to make me whole
So today I try to tell you
I'll be on my way

Show me where the answers lives
Show me where the truth forgives
In my head I've tried to reason
I'll be on my way

Some say, the road is clear
Some say, confront your fears
Some say, but can you feel the love that do?

Why do people always change?
When memories aways stay the same
In my head I've tryed to reason
I'll be on my way

Some say, the road is clear
Some say, confront your fears
Some say, but can you feel the love that do?

One day we will be free, under the summer sun
And you will see
One day we will be free, under the summer sun
And you will see

Some say, the road is clear
Some say, confront your fears
Some say, but can you feel the love that do?

Can you feel the love
Can you feel the love
Can you feel the love
Can you feel the love that I do?

Can you feel the love
Can you feel the love
Can you feel the love
Can you feel the love that I do?

Can you feel the love that I do?

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-11 15:54:27编辑过]






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