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1, Black black heart
Black black heart(remix)

by David Usher & ?


Something ugly this way comes
Through my fingers sliding inside
All these blessings all these burns
I'm godless underneath your cover
Search for pleasure search for pain
In this world now I am undying
I unfurl my flag my nation helpless

Black black heart why would you offer more
Why would you make it easier on me to satisfy
I'm on fire I'm rotting to the core
I'm eating all your kings and queens
All your sex and your diamonds

As I begin to lose my grip
On these realities your sending
Taste your mind and taste your sex
I'm naked underneath your cover
Covers lie and we will bend and borrow
With the coming sign
The tide will take the sea will rise and time will rape

Black black heart why would you offer more
Why would you make it easier on me to satisfy
I'm on fire I'm rotting to the core
I'm eating all your kings and queens
All your sex and your diamonds

Black black heart why would you offer more
Why would you make it easier on me to satisfy
I'm on fire I'm rotting to the core
I'm eating all your kings and queens
All your sex and your diamonds
All your sex and your diamonds
All your sex and your diamonds
All your sex and your diamonds
All your sex and your diamonds


这歌众所周知地被奶茶刘翻了,但还是原唱好听,歌词好,中间有段小歌特很出彩,又加了些lo-fi的元素,听起来确实令我难忘。David Usher(记得是泰裔)1966年生于英国牛津,92年在加拿大组了比较有名的alt-rock乐队Moist,担任主唱。BBH 出自他在2001年发行的第2张个人专集Morning Orbit(AMG给了4星的评价,MS比较可听),有2个版本,remix版不是男女合声,速度也比较快,愿版更好一点 。合唱者的资料死活是没找到,也无所谓。听着舒服就好了。如果Gunner同学幸好看到的话,这里告诉你,他这专集我现在找得到了,电驴上也正在拖。不过事隔将近1年,不知还有没有需要。


2,[url=http://files.myopera.com/amy730/files/%5b51mpc.com%5d%20Brown%20Feather%20Sparrow%20-%20Let's%20Be%20Fine%20-%203%20-%20Catching%20Rain.mp3] Catching rain [/url]

by Brown Feather Sparrow(Lydia Wever & Arjen van Wijk)





主要还是因为里面piano+key+guitar的旋律太美,和声有层次,一前一后。就是这么好的感觉,下雨的感觉,雨滴带着愉悦节奏掉落的感觉,就是孩子般天真的感觉。这是个荷兰的 indie-pop乐队,99年成立至今2张专集,没什么人捧,也不怎么红,但还执着得做着音乐,偏向于清新路线。这首出自2003年的专集Let's be fine,女主音的创作实力不容小觑。



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3, Someone New
by Eskobar & Heather Nova


So is it goodbye?
Is it time to set you free?
Is it time to let it fly?
Is it time to let it bleed
We used to take turns
To cover up the pain
Deep below it burns
And the fellin' still remains

You're gonna find someone new
I really hope you do
'Cause I love you
And the sun will come on thru,
It's gonna shine for you
'Cause I adore you
Yes we gave it a try
But maybe for too long
Out of every sorrow
Another day will dawn
You're gonna find someone new
I really hope you do
'Cause I love you
And the sun will come on thru,
It's gonna shine for you
'Cause I adore you
And the road travels on
But I'm still near you
In my life, like a song
I will still hear you
You're gonna find someone new
I really hope you do
'Cause I love you

You're gonna find someone new
I really hope you do
'Cause I love you
And the sun will come on thru,
It's gonna shine for you
'Cause I adore you
You're gonna find someone new
I really hope you do
'Cause I love you
And the sun will come on thru,
It's gonna shine for you
'Cause I adore you
Sun will shine for you
'Cause I adore you
Sun will shine for you
'Cause I adore you
Sun will shine for you
'Cause I adore you
Sun will shine for you
Sun will shine for you
'Cause I adore you


You Got Me
by  Emma Daumas & Eskobar




Eskobar是V2旗下一支瑞典的indie乐队,94年3个成员走到了一起,风格比较多元化,从punk,electrical到dream-pop,brit-pop等等,主流的也有涉及。主音 Daniel Bellqvist是天生一副好嗓子(我所谓的典型瑞典荒原苍天派),音域较宽。比tiger lou清亮一些,至于具体是怎么着个感觉,就看个人怎么体会了。前一首来自There's Only Now(没记错的话是02年的),女声部是出生在百慕达的摇滚大姨Heather Nova,音色也是很眩的,能和她飙音也是Daniel的福气了。后一首来自2004 的A Thousand Last Chances,Emma Daumas以前没听说过,没怎么查到资料,如果是她的话,应该是法国的歌手兼演员,比我还小几个月的说。不知道这次的合作是玩票还是唱片公司的有意安排,并没在Eskobar的专集中收录,但MV却也拍了。还是可听性比较高的。06年的专集比较平庸。

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-7 15:39:57编辑过]


4 Set the fire to the third bar
by Snow patrol & Martha Wainwright

I find the map and draw a straight line
Over rivers, farms, and state lines
The distance from here to where you'd be
It's only finger-lengths that I see
I touch the place where I'd find your face
My finger in creases of distant dark places

I hang my coat up in the first bar
There is no peace that I've found so far
The laughter penetrates my silence
As drunken men find flaws in science

Their words mostly noises
Ghosts with just voices
Your words in my memory
Are like music to me

I'm miles from where you are,
I lay down on the cold ground
I, I pray that something picks me up
And sets me down in your warm arms

After I have travelled so far
We'd set the fire to the third bar
We'd share each other like an island
Until exhausted, close our eyelids
And dreaming, pick up from
The last place we left off
Your soft skin is weeping
A joy you can't keep in

I'm miles from where you are,
I lay down on the cold ground
And I, I pray that something picks me up
and sets me down in your warm arms

And miles from where you are,
I lay down on the cold ground
and I, I pray that something picks me up
and sets me down in your warm arms

06年的Eye open里这首是极好的,吸引我的原因在于那个感觉很特别的女声。Martha Wainwright也是个英国人,似乎出生于一个音乐世家,自幼学习音乐,大学修了戏剧,来头不小。唱腔似乎是并不讨好大众的,低调另类,个性十足,感觉发音送气很紧,当时zhbob13告诉我她的名字,马上去VC拖了她的最新同名专集听,很特别,但不讨厌,有几首很耐听。一首Run让我认识了SP,于是我的文件夹里又多了一个声音。Gary Lightbody的音色松弛有弹性,可以把人带得很远,永远不会觉得局促。他们的第一片“巡逻地”是自己的家乡,苏格兰一个叫Dundee的小镇,97年这样的一群人开始了自己的音乐梦想。苍白却不失光鲜的色泽,就像阳光下的雪也带着温情一般。

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-7 15:41:13编辑过]


5, Woman Like a Man (Live Unplugged)
by Damien Rice & Lisa Hannigan(?)

I need a piss,
Wanna hate,
Fuck it up, come.

My love,
Each and me,
Keep your teeth, wrong.

You’ve lost me,
You caused me
You taught me a million

Whip back
Walk me to,
Stupid fool

You wanna get boned
You wanna get stoned
You wanna get a room like no one else
You wanna be rich
You wanna be kitsch
You wanna be the bastard of yourself
You wanna get burned
You wanna get turned
You wanna get fucked inside out
You wanna be ruled
You wanna be fooled
You wanna be a woman like a man like a woman like a man

A woman like a man like a man like a woman like a man, you like a man.
(I’ll get a cheaper ticket next time)
woman like a man woman like a man like a woman like a man woman like a man
(I’ll get a cheaper ticket next time)
A woman like a man like a man like a woman like a man, woman like a man
(I’ll get a cheaper ticket next time)
Woman like a man like a man like a woman like a man like a man
(Really wasn’t worth the ride)

Need a hit
Wanna wait
Suck it up, cum

My love,
Each and me,
Itchy feet, run

You reach me
You bleach me
You teach me a million familiar

Whip back
Walk me to
Stupid fool

You wanna get boned
You wanna get stoned
You wanna get a room like no one else
You wanna be rich
You wanna be kitsch
You wanna be the bastard of yourself
You wanna get burned
You wanna get turned
You wanna get fucked inside out
You wanna be ruled
You wanna be fooled
You wanna be a woman like a man like a woman like a man

A woman like a man like a man like a woman like a man, woman like a man.
(I’ll get a cheaper ticket next time)
woman like a man like a man like a woman like a man like a man
(I’ll get a cheaper ticket next time)
like a man like a woman like a man like a woman like a man, like a man
(I’ll get a cheaper ticket next time)
Woman like a man woman like a man like a woman like a man like a man
(Really wasn’t worth the ride)


Oooooooooh oooooooooooooh

You wanna get boned
You wanna get stoned
You wanna get a room like no one else
You wanna be rich
You wanna be kitsch
You wanna be the bastard of yourself
You wanna get burned
You wanna get turned
You wanna get fucked inside out
You wanna be ruled
You wanna be fooled
You wanna be a woman like a man like a woman like a, like a man

Like a man like a man man man man man man man man man man
Like a man man man man man man

Like a man

like a man like a man like a man like a man,
(I’ll get a cheaper ticket next time)
woman like a man like a man like a woman like a man like a man
(I’ll get a cheaper ticket next time)
woman like a man like a man like a man, like a man
(I’ll get a cheaper ticket next time)
Woman like a man like a man like a man
(Really wasn’t worth the ride) (Really wasn’t worth the ride)

woah oh like a man like a man like a man like a man
(I’ll get a cheaper ticket next time)
like a man like a man like a woman like a man like a man
(I’ll get a cheaper ticket next time)
like a man like a man like a man like a man
(I’ll get a cheaper ticket next time)
a woman like a man a woman like a man like a woman like a man like a man oooh
(Really wasn’t worth the ride)

选自《0》,完全的非第一眼美女。起初对此歌是很不以为然的,听了2遍没什么感觉,后来又翻出来时却发现有些不一样了,越来越喜欢。两个那么纤弱的声音,急促低唱,让人不由自主地变得有些神经质起来,听多了就会陷进莫名的小氛围里。女声应该是Lisa Hannigan,似乎是DR的御用合声。爱尔兰的Damien Rice,如同那片土地给大家的印象,有些荒凉却拥有强韧的生命力。值得一提的还有Vyvienne Long的大提琴部分,这是他的歌之所以让我喜欢的重要原因。朴实又敏感。其他的歌不想再提,再提火星上也就有了祥林嫂。

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-7 15:43:43编辑过]


6, Pills
by The Perishers (Ola Klüft  & ?)

I hope my smile
can distract you
I hope my fists
can fight for two
So it never has to show
And you’ll never know

I hope my love
can blind you
I hope my arms
can bind you
So you’ll never have to see
What we’ve grown to be

One may think
we’re alright
But we need pills
to sleep at night
We need lies
to make it through the day
We’re not ok

One may think
we’re doing fine
But if I had to lay it on the line
We’re losing ground
with every passing day
We’re not ok

But that’s one thing
I would never
One thing I would never
That’s one thing
I would never say to you

声音是冷的,眼泪是暖的。琴键是冷的,手掌是暖的。2005年春天The Perishers的第2张专集Let There Be Morning发行,Pill似乎是并不引人注目的一支,但却让我目不转睛。女声太伤感,于是太伤感,可惜我却不知道她是谁。The Perishers的音乐细腻柔和,几个大男森用旋律发表对世界的感言,很单纯很快乐。1997年的瑞典,某个小镇的地下乐器租借店里有这么几个热爱音乐的年轻人,2002年From Nothing To One和2005年Let There be Morning使他们变得更自信更独立。从封面到音乐,他们用最自然的方式撩拨听者心弦。

7, Sometimes Always
by Mazzy Star(Hope Sandoval) & the Jesus and Mary Chain

I gave you all I had
I gave you good and bad
I gave but you just threw it back

I won't get on my knees
Don't make me do that please
I've been away but now I'm back

Don't be too sure of that
What makes you sure of that
You went away you can't come back

I walked away from you
I hurt you through and through
Aw honey give me one more chance

Aw you're a lucky son
Lucky son of a gun
You went away, you went away
You went away but now youre back

I got down on my knees
And then I begged you please
I always knew you'd take me back

最初先看的MV,两个老牌乐队的联手,基本资料就不想再介绍了,都是比较喜欢的。年代似乎有些久远,但却要经常拿出来回味一下,这两个很飘飘欲仙的声音碰在一起的感觉很棒,不知道别人还会不会在意。White noise名团the Jesus and Mary Chain也已经在1999年正式解散,不过走了15年确实不易。不论那个发型还是那个嗓音还是会让很多人难忘的吧。

--------火星树 收集整理-------

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-7 16:03:50编辑过]

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[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-7 16:05:23编辑过]

<b>Merci Thierry Henry...T_T</b>

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