越来越喜欢Lisa Hannigan,放两首她主唱的歌。
很多时候觉得她分明是来抢DAMIEN RICE风头的。很酷,很自然,很动人,站在拿木吉他的乡下大叔身边。不太明白她为什么不自己出专集,而一定要把自己的名字和DR摆在一起。以她的实力,单飞本是绝对没有问题的。不过我们也没必要去弄明白,有些追究是多余,有些明白是负担,音乐可以不去解释,其实还有很多都不需要解释,冷暖自知。
1 Be my babe
2 Your Ghost
Kristen Hersh - Your Ghost
If I walk down this hallway, tonight,
It's too quiet,
So I Pad through the dark
and call you on the phone
Push your old numbers
and let your house ring
til I wake you ghost.
Let him walk down your hallway
it's not this quiet
slide down your receiver
sprint across the wire
follow my number
slide into my hand.
It's the blaze across my nightgown
it's the phone's ring.
I think last night
you were driving circles around me.
I can't drink this coffee
til I put you in my closet
let him shoot me down
let him call me off
I take it from his whisper
you're not that tough.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-19 0:06:50编辑过]