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[转帖]英超28大疯狂言语回顾 球星教练搞笑胜过周星驰 [复制链接]


网易体育讯 切尔西主帅穆里尼奥新近的“球员和煎蛋”言论,让人怀疑他究竟是不是已经精神崩溃。但他的疯狂言谈,只是足坛诸多言论狂人中的普通一例。以下是来自足坛人物的疯狂名言中的一部分,不少言谈确实让人忍俊不禁。


1、“When the seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be dropped into the sea.”


2、“You don’t win anything with kids.”


3、“Hello my sharks, welcome to the funeral.”


4、“Young players are a bit like melons. Only when you open and taste the melon are you 100 per cent sure that the melon is good.

“Sometimes you have beautiful melons but they don’t taste very good and some other melons are a bit ugly and when you open them up, the taste is fantastic.

“One thing is youth football, one thing is professional football. The bridge is a difficult one to cross and they have to play with us and train with us to taste the melon. For example, Scott Sinclair - the way he played against Arsenal and Man United, we know the melon we have.”



5、“I couldn’t settle in Italy – it was like living in a foreign country.”


6、“I tape over most of the player videos with Corrie or Neighbours. Most of them are crap. They can f***ing make anyone look good. I signed Marco Boogers off a video. He was a good player but a nutter. They didn't show that on the video.”


7、“I’d like to play for an Italian club, like Barcelona.”


8、“I never predict anything and I never will.”


9、“Hartson's got more previous than Jack the Ripper!”


10、“The important thing was we got the three points.”


11、“Do I not like that!”


12、“I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars. The rest I just squandered.”


13、“If you’ve been out for a night and you’re looking for a young lady and you pull one, some weeks they’re good looking and some weeks they’re not the best. Our performance today would have been not the best looking bird but at least we’ve got her in the taxi.”


14、“I was watching the Blackburn game on TV on Saturday when it flashed on the screen that George Ndah had scored in the first minute at Birmingham. My first reaction was to ring him up. Then I remembered he was out there playing.”


15、“Germany are a very difficult team to play — they had 11 internationals out there today.”


16、“We didn't underestimate them. They were a lot better than we thought.”


17、“They're the second-best team in the world and there's no higher praise than that.”


18、“What I said to them at half-time would be unprintable on the radio.”


19、“It took a lot of bottle for Tony (Adams) to own up.”


20、“When a player gets to 30, so does his body.”


21、“I was a young lad when I was growing up.”


22、“Home advantage gives you an advantage.”


23、“We must have had 99 per cent of the game. It was the other three per cent that cost us the match.”


24、“Dani is so good-looking I don't know whether to play him or f*** him!”


25、“Paolo di Canio is capable of scoring the goal he scored.”



26、“Some people believe football is a matter of life and death. I'm very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.”


27、“If he was an inch taller he'd be the best centre half in Britain. His father is 6ft 2in - I'd check the milkman.”


28、 “When an Italian says it's pasta I check under the sauce to make sure. They are innovators of the smokescreen.”



居然没有BOSS的  什么烂记者  工作不到位




Bravi biancazzurri ~~~



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