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美国枪迷舒发出一份很有意思的枪手情结 – 转贴 [复制链接]

From > Arsenal America / Official U.S. Supporters Club of Arsenal FC Mar.18, 2008 By Andez in Mailbag They say football is a religion, and it away it is. Like my lady once asked “Why are you so obsessed about Arsenal? Would you get a share of money when they win a trophy? Of course, she will never understand. And come to think of it, I will never understand either. Why? Good question. But, that’s the way it is. Why Derby away fans bothered to travel knowing that their team is very likely to suffer yet another trashing. They would be lucky to even witnessing their team scoring a single goal, let alone a win. Nevertheless, it didn’t stop them to traveling miles to show their support. When you consider some Arsenal fans would even moan about wasting their money and time watching an Arsenal match on TV (when we lost), now you get an idea where this term “plastic fans” coming from. To me, like religion, supporting a football team is all about faith. Because if you don’t have it, your life as a “supporter” would be miserable. We haven’t won a league for 3 years? Big deal. Consider this - Before George Graham guided us to a league title and started the Arsenal revival, Arsenal had not won the league for 18 years. Man Utd, likewise, had waited 18 or 26 (no stats book besides me) to eventually regain the league title under Ferguson. Liverpool have now waited 18 or 19 years, and still been waiting. Chelsea waited half a century to win their 2nd title in their history. While Spurs have now waited for 47 years and still counting. Not to mention the rest of the clubs in England. So fans, regardless which club they support, most of them have been through a same experience - waiting, believing, frustrating. If you do not want to experience the frustration supporting a club could bring you, then go ahead and be a neutral. If you want to be a “supporter”, then bloody hell act like one. Don’t take every setback as an opportunity to vent your frustration.  Stop knocking down our club / players / manager with every chance you’ve got.
本主题由 超级版主 37°2 于 3/19/2008 7:35:16 PM 执行 移动主题 操作

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回复:美国枪迷舒发出一份很有意思的枪手情结 – 转贴

举的例子很难让人信服 不过文章思想非常好~

回复:美国枪迷舒发出一份很有意思的枪手情结 – 转贴

Outstanding notes! it is even more impressive as it is from the fucking United States. How come you can watch our game, if i understand correctly there is not too many channels will broadcast our game in the States, not to mention that your circle must be very limited. I guess you have to travel miles and miles to just find one Arsenal fan! Well, i do admire you...i must say sometime when we lost i would smear some of our players, which is, not fair...

回复: 美国枪迷舒发出一份很有意思的枪手情结 – 转贴

We have official supporter club in USA, and also you can use "Satanta Sport TV" & "Fox Sports" to watch all European Games in USA too. Listen, if you use myP2P we can watch Fox Sports too.
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