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[卫报]温格:“赫莱布想走?没门!米尼失信于我 。” [复制链接]

温格明确说道,所谓的“买断”合同条款没那么简单,阿森纳将为之设置障碍。 “这个条款可没看起来那么简单。你(赫莱布)别指望明天给我点钱,然后马上就买断走人。规矩不是那么定的,你别忘记俱乐部所能做得。”温格说,“你首先不得不去FIFA法庭,如果不能达成和我们一致的话,你还要去仲裁局。这可要花好几个月。在这期间,如果程序上有一点不妥,你都将被禁止买断合同” 同时温格明确表示了对弗拉米尼的不满 “我知道是怎么回事,是的,这小子是自由身,哪里给钱多,他就去哪里。但他之前已经告诉我想留下了。如果你说‘不,我要离开’那我没话说。但你不该说‘我想留下但我现在要走了’” 最后,温格否认了俱乐部在引援上的困难“有很多球员想来这里,我在办公室里已收到了220个对我们感兴趣的球员的电话。在引援上,我们没问题。” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 阿森纳亚洲官方球迷会独家稿件声明:该作品(文字、图片、图表及音视频)特供ACN使用,未经授权许可,任何媒体和个人不得全部或部分转载。 原文:(选择性翻译) Arsène Wenger came out fighting yesterday in regards to the future of Alexander Hleb, insisting Arsenal are willing to take legal action to prevent the midfielder from joining Internazionale. A day after Hleb's agent Nikolai Shpilevski publicly stated the Belarus international is "leaving Arsenal," with the Italian champions his most likely destination, Wenger said he was "confident" of keeping the midfielder and played down the possibility of him buying out the remaining two years of his contract under Article 17 of Fifa's transfer regulations, otherwise known as the "Webster Clause", which permits players to terminate their deal after a "protected period." Wenger made it clear Article 17 can be challenged and Arsenal are prepared to do just that. "It is not as simple as it looks, this Webster clause, you can't just come in next day and buy out, there is no rule that says that. And you should not forget what clubs can do," said Wenger. "You have to first go to a Fifa tribunal and if you don't agree with Fifa, you have to go to Acas. It takes a lof of months. You can be banned for the whole period if it's not done in a proper way." Hleb has long been courted by Inter, a source of great irritation for Wenger who has threatened to report the club to Fifa over what he described as the "disrespectful" pursuit of the player. Losing the 27-year-old, who signed from Stuggart for £11.5m in July 2005, would represent a huge blow for the Frenchman who has already had to say goodbye to one first-team player in the closing stages of this season. Wenger could not hide his disappointment yesterday with Mathieu Flamini's decision to join Milan on a free transfer, especially after the midfielder had given assurances that he would sign a new deal at the Emirates, and claimed that while Flamini's wage will swell at the San Siro, he is joining a club with less integrity. "I know the rules in this job, the guy [Flamini] is free, he can go to somebody who pays him more," said Wenger. "But he said he wanted to stay. If you say 'no I want to go somewhere' that is ok. But you cannot say 'I want to stay but I go.' "This club here has a history of being built by people of values. I'm not sure that in the history of Milan you'll find the same values, even if you dig well." Despite his frustrations, Wenger is sure he will not struggle to replace Flamini in the centre of Arsenal's midfield, claiming the hole can be filled by Abou Diaby, Denilson, Gilberto Silva who, Wenger indicated, has not made up his mind to definitely leave the club, or a new recruit. "There are plenty of players who want to join us, I go to my office and I have 220 calls from players who want to come in, we have no problem on that front," he said. But there is less assurance inside the Arsenal dressing room. One senior player feels that in Flamini the team has lost someone willing to make "dirty" tackles and that is essential in a side which has struggled at times to assert itself in attritional encounters. Some solace can, however, be found in the assurances Emmanuel Adebayor gave yesterday regarding his own future. It had been reported that the Togo striker, who has scored 30 goals this season, wanted a pay increase otherwise he too would walk away, but the 24-year-old insists he is happy where he is. "These reports are rubbish," he said. "I love the club and the fans, we have a great set of players and a fantastic team spirit. We've had a good season and we want to go one better next season by winning a trophy." Wenger has confirmed that Thomas Rosicky will miss Euro2008. The Czech Republic international has yet to recover from a hamstring injury that has blighted his season and will not recover his fitness in time for the summer finals. "He [Rosicky] is in a situation where he wants to come back but at the moment he cannot play," said Wenger
最后编辑罗宾范佩尔西 最后编辑于 2008-05-10 10:00:33
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回复:[卫报]温格:“赫莱布想走?没门!米尼失信于我 。”


回复:[卫报]温格:“赫莱布想走?没门!米尼失信于我 。”


回复:[卫报]温格:“赫莱布想走?没门!米尼失信于我 。”



回复:[卫报]温格:“赫莱布想走?没门!米尼失信于我 。”

教授老指责flamini要钱做啥? 俱乐部的宗旨就是要尽量少花钱多赚钱,这样文化熏陶下,球员怎么可能不向钱看? 俱乐部没人情味,只要钱,就不准球员没人情味,只要钱了? 俱乐部这里没赚到钱,还能去别地赚,今年没赚到,明年还有得赚 球员职业生涯那么短,随时一个伤病就要大修,不赚够了,多冤啊

回复:[卫报]温格:“赫莱布想走?没门!米尼失信于我 。”

boss被忽悠也不是第一次乐 sol…… 强留赫莱布显然也不是什么好事情

回复:[卫报]温格:“赫莱布想走?没门!米尼失信于我 。”

温格应该反省一下自己 为什么我厂的球员都缺乏一种叫做忠诚的素质

回复:[卫报]温格:“赫莱布想走?没门!米尼失信于我 。”


回复: [卫报]温格:“赫莱布想走?没门!米尼失信于我 。”

原帖由 F4~~ 于 2008-5-10 11:28:00 发表 俱乐部没人情味,只要钱,就不准球员没人情味,只要钱了?

回复:[卫报]温格:“赫莱布想走?没门!米尼失信于我 。”


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