More importantly I'm quite inquisitive about what brand of chewing gum Arshavin enjoys the most? I bet he's Extra man, I used to enjoy cool breeze flavor Extra but recently switched to 5 Elixir. There are two school of thoughts when it comes to Arshavin- and chewing, some may think he's a closet Airwaves chewer, but on the other hand he has been spotted many times with a packet of Extra in hand while shopping in Tesco for souvenirs . He has admitted in many occasions that he enjoys a consumption of cough drops every now an again and that somewhat gives legitimacy to the claim that Airwaves is his preferred brand. In conclusion he could either be chewing Extra or Airwaves but based on hours upon hours of research I have not stumbled across any concrete evidence that could tip the scale in one's favor one way or another, hopefully upon his arrival he could put this matter to rest once and for all.