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[转会传闻] 温格把目标重新瞄准马图伊迪 俱乐部要价600万英镑 温格只愿出300万 [复制链接]

Reports in both the Daily Mirror and Daily Mail this morning suggest Arsenal have revived their interest in Saint Etienne defensive midfielder Blaise Matuidi. 今天早上的镜报和邮报都同时报道了阿森纳重新把目光瞄准了Saint Etienne的防守中场马图伊迪. Both newspapers claim that Arsene Wenger has stepped up his interest in Matuidi with Cesc Fabregas set to miss the next three weeks with a hamstring injury. 两家媒体表示,由于法布雷加斯可能因为膝盖受伤会缺席3周,温格进一步表示了对马图伊迪的兴趣. According to John Cross in the Daily Mirror: "Wenger has already had lengthy discussions with St Etienne and 22-year-old Matuidi over a move to Arsenal. St Etienne are demanding £6m while Arsenal want to pay half that figure and are prepared to take the deal right to the wire in the transfer window to drive a hard bargain." 根据镜报的John Cross报道:"温格已经和St Etienne就马图伊迪转会到阿森纳进行长时间的谈判.St Etienne要求600万英镑,但阿森纳只愿意出一半价钱. Cross adds: "France Under-21 starlet Matuidi, a holding midfielder, would jump at the chance of moving to Arsenal and is hopeful a deal can be completed. Wenger has already revealed that he still has not given up on signing former Arsenal captain Patrick Vieira, 33, from Inter Milan." Matuidi, 22, was linked with a move to Arsenal in June and is thought to have been extensively scouted by Arsenal's French scout Gilles Grimandi. The 5.7ft central midfielder came through the ranks at Troyes and has established himself over the past two seasons as a crucial cog in the Saint Etienne midfield. Although the club battled relegation last season, Matuidi continued to impress, scoring two goals in 36 games as St Etienne battled against relegation. He also received three yellow cards and one red card. So far in 2009/2010, Matuidi has played all three of St Etienne’s Ligue 1 matches. The Frenchman is known for his consistent displays and the left-footer could fit in well into the Arsenal set-up as he is a quick player with fine technique. Matuidi is under contract at St Etienne until the end of the 2010/2011 season and could well be worth close to 7.5 million euros. Arsene Wenger may also have the advantage of close relations with Damien Comolli, who is now sporting director at Les Verts. One of the two goals Matuidi scored in Ligue 1 last season was a cracker, his strike against Bordeaux in February can be seen on the video below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 圣埃蒂安强调马图伊迪为非卖品 http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/a/arsenal/8189501.stm St Etienne's general manager Damien Comolli told BBC Sport: "The pla is not for sale. I'm not aware of any club being interested in him." 再次强调非卖品,明年夏天见。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 马图伊迪500万英镑加盟阿森纳? 倒地铲球的马杜伊迪 《每日邮报》透露,早在冬歇期就与阿森纳联系在一起的法国22岁后腰马杜伊迪将加盟,预计转会费在500万英镑上下。 马杜伊迪和已经加盟的维尔马伦均是温格夏季收购计划的一部分,如今比利时铁卫先一步加盟,鉴于马杜伊迪并不算高的身价,这位22岁的年轻人加盟阿森纳并无多少障碍。 有人将马杜伊迪誉为“马克莱莱接班人”,还有人称其为“小维埃拉”从身体条件和技术特点上来看,1.75米的马杜伊迪更像马克莱莱,拼抢积极,防守覆盖范围大。此外,温格之所以如此青睐马杜伊迪还有另外一个原因,如今圣埃蒂安的竞技部主管科莫利曾在温格手下当过球探,对于昔日上司的喜好烂熟于心,马杜伊迪的加盟也就顺理成章。 今年4月,马杜伊迪曾主动向天空体育透露,自己已迫不及待要加盟阿森纳。从能力上来看,马杜伊迪虽然年轻,但实力不在德尼尔森和亚历山大-宋之下,如果温格悉心调教,马杜伊迪有望成为小法的好“护卫”。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 温格报价300万英镑求购马图伊迪 球员已飞抵伦敦谈判? 1000万英镑签下维尔马伦以后,阿森纳似乎又回到了过往的节俭作风,开始将目光转向一些价廉物美的年轻球员。据《卫报》报道,枪手目前正在追逐法甲圣埃蒂安的马图伊迪,温格对这位年轻后腰的报价大约是300万英镑左右。   这位22岁的年轻人在前赛季的法甲联赛表现出色,最终帮助球队取得积分榜第五的位置,帮助本队入围上赛季的欧洲联盟杯。他也入选了法国U-21青年队,参加了不久前举办的欧青赛。不过上赛季的双线作战拖垮了圣埃蒂安,赛季后半段他受伤缺阵,球队成绩也因此一落千丈。    《卫报》的报道指,马图伊迪这几天都在伦敦停留,跟阿森纳管理层就加盟进行谈判。法国年轻人同时还赢得埃弗顿和热刺的青睐,不过目前看来,最有希望签下他的还是枪手。温格能够在这场争夺战中赢得先机,是因为他们去年已经开始跟圣埃蒂安接触,只是当时圣埃蒂安还将马图伊迪列为非卖品。但如今圣埃蒂安状态低迷,枪手很有信心能够顺利将马图伊迪拿下。    马图伊迪的交易还算顺利,不过枪手引进瑞士国脚因勒的愿望恐怕就要落空了,因为因勒本人坚持自己更希望在乌迪内斯继续踢下去。    阿森纳原本希望引进的佛罗伦萨的中场费利佩-梅洛,但巴西人最终加盟了尤文图斯。枪手只能将注意力转向乌迪内斯中场因勒。但因勒本人看来并不高兴自己只是替代的选择,在采访中被问及阿森纳对他的兴趣时,因勒就说:“我对这些事一无所知。我心里想的只有位乌迪内斯踢好球,其余事情都交给经纪人处理了。” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [镜报]boss2.5m便可拿下马图伊迪? Arsene Wenger is closing in on St Etienne midfielder Blaise Matuidi. Arsenal boss Wenger had talks with 22-yearold French Under-21 sarlet Matuidi yesterday about a £2.5million deal. But Matuidi (above) goes in as one for the future, with Wenger also trying to sign a senior central midfielder. He may now turn back to Udinese's Gokhan Inler, although the Italians want £12m for the Swiss international. 阿尔塞纳@温格正在接近签下圣埃蒂安中场布莱斯@马图伊迪 阿森纳主帅温格昨天就试图签下这名22岁的法国u21国脚(……)~~他给出的报价是250w 但是一旦无法拿下马图伊迪~~温格仍然会尝试签下一个有经验的中场球员~~现在可能重新将目光转回乌迪内斯球员格可汗@淫乐~~尽管意大利人想从这名瑞士国脚身上得到高达12m的金钱~~ 新闻来源  http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/2009/07/09/2-5m-blaise-trail-to-arsenal-115875-21505793/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 马图伊迪将加盟阿森纳?? 【法国网】:受到阿森纳关注一年多的马图伊迪在未来几天或几周内会最终转会阿森纳。 事实上,随着阿森纳与尤文图斯争抢梅洛失败后,阿森纳就重新考虑马图伊迪。 http://www.football.fr/cmc/scanner/football/200928/asse-contact-renoue-avec-arsenal-pour-matuidi_234714.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 马图伊迪主动示好阿森纳 阿森纳需要一名优秀后腰,但温格最为青睐的梅洛、因勒等人却始终因各种原因很难买入,此前《太阳报》曾有透露,德甲斯图加特队后腰希策尔斯贝格敢曾被温格相中,但此事随后便没了下文。不过,虽说有意买入的选手不一定能来,但想来阿森纳且实力不俗的后腰倒也不乏其人,近日,法甲圣艾蒂安队强力后腰马杜伊迪就已公开示好枪手。 本周一,马杜伊迪在接受《天空体育》采访时表示:“能为阿森纳踢球将会是一种完美的享受与体检,但现在我还只能告诉你这些,我还不方便透露更多细节,所有人都知道他们有着最为华丽的踢球方式,这也一直都是我的追求。”需要指出的是,除去示好阿森纳之外,马杜伊迪本月初在接受《队报》采访时还曾说过:“如果我有机会离开,我会离开,我希望能够如此,我已经跟球队内部人士说过这些事情,与此同时高层也都明白我的选择,我想离开,因为我认为现在是时候了。” 马杜伊迪现年22岁,在著名足球游戏FM中他一直都是被很多玩家所推崇的中场妖人,而关于他下赛季的去向,此前《队报》曾有透露,阿森纳、波尔多、马赛等球队都对他十分感兴趣,而在《天空体育》的最新消息中则有指出,眼下热刺与埃弗顿也有意将他收至帐下。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 马图伊迪准备离队 Arsenal-target Matuidi says he is ready to leave St.EtienneJuly - 4 - 2009 All the players that Arsenal have been linked with now seem to be becoming available at the same time. Blaise Matuidi was a Wenger target last summer, as admitted by the St.Etienne president Roland Romeye on Sky Sports this season. “Wenger called me at the end of August to ask if Blaise was for sale. He didn’t make an offer as Blaise was not for sale,” said Romeyer. “Next June we will have a meeting with Blaise and his agent about his future.”. Today is now “next June” and Matuidi has admitted that he ready to leave, in another article on Sky Sports, which read: St Etienne midfielder Blaise Matuidi has declared that he wishes to leave the Ligue 1 club. Matuidi’s impressive performances in France last season have led to reports that a number of sides are eyeing summer bids. Premier League team Arsenal have been credited with an interest while Bordeaux and Marseille are said to be admirers. The 22-year-old is ready for the next chapter in his career and is hopeful St Etienne will allow him to find a new club for the 2009/10 season. “My wish, if I have the chance, is to leave,” he told L’Equipe. “If I have an opportunity, I will ask to leave. I have already said this in-house and the leaders understand my choice, but they also expressed their desire to keep me, which I find understandable. “My wish is to leave because I think it’s time. Or, if it’s necessary and I stay, I would also be happy.” If that isn’t a come-and-get-me plea to Arsene Wenger, then i don’t know what is! Do Arsenal fans still want to see him at the Emirates? http://www.footylatest.com/arsenal-target-matuidi-says-he-is-ready-to-leave-stetienne/6982 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 根据法国队报透露:马图伊迪将在星期三或星期四和俱乐部高层会面,以确定自己的前途。 这名未来国家队球员正考虑三种选择: 1.加盟一家法国大球队(波多尔,里昂,巴黎圣日耳曼,马赛)以获得更大的发展空间; 2.出国淘金(AC米兰或者阿森纳) 3.如果以上选择都失败,就留队。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [镜报]温格500万英镑求购马图伊迪 《镜报》报道,阿森纳已经向法国圣埃蒂安俱乐部开价500万英镑,打算引进中场球员布莱斯-马图伊蒂。这位法国21岁以下国家队成员看上去已经离酋长球场不远了。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [GoonerTalk]温格正在考虑是否要为马图伊迪报价 翻译:4ever_gunners 未经允许,不得转载 温格会在接下来几周决定是否要为圣埃蒂安队后腰马图伊迪报价。 温格和他的法甲球探格里曼迪都对马图伊迪的评价颇高。 格里曼迪本赛季很多次到现场观看了马图伊迪的比赛,这让法国媒体相信马图伊迪肯定是在温格的夏季转会名单上的人物。而马图伊迪也多次表示了他对于阿森纳的关注感到非常荣幸。 http://goonertalk.com/2009/06/02/wenger-to-decide-on-matuidi-signing/
最后编辑37°2 最后编辑于 2009-08-25 16:57:42
本主题由 超级版主 37°2 于 8/7/2009 1:58:52 AM 执行 delposts 操作


温格会在接下来几周决定是否要为圣埃蒂安队后腰马图一地报价。 温格和他的法甲球探格丽蔓迪都对马图一地的评价颇高。 格丽蔓迪本赛季很多次到现场观看了马图一地的比赛,这让法国媒体相信马图一地肯定是在温格的夏季转会名单上的人物。而马图一地也多次表示了他对于阿森纳的关注感到非常荣幸。

Never give up

原帖由 怪兽叔叔 于 2009-6-3 1:05:00 发表 题目应该是:温格在掂量是否要对马图伊迪出价。。。


原帖由 4ever_gunners 于 2009-6-3 1:11:00 发表 lz帮你编辑一下了哦



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