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09-10 postmatch interview thread [复制链接]


最后编辑安伊古达人 最后编辑于 2009-08-19 19:56:14


Got sun in my face, sleeping rough on the road.
I'll tell you all about it, when I get home.


最后编辑Guy 最后编辑于 2009-08-21 00:53:10
Got sun in my face, sleeping rough on the road.
I'll tell you all about it, when I get home.


22.08.2009, EPL Matchday 3, Arsenal 4 - 1 Everton @ Emirates Stadium 17' Diaby G(Eduardo A), 21' Diaby G(Eboue A),37' Kaboul G, 51' Gallas G(Vermaelen A), 69' Ramsey G(RVP A) Wenger
最后编辑Guy 最后编辑于 2009-08-24 01:28:48
Got sun in my face, sleeping rough on the road.
I'll tell you all about it, when I get home.

要去日本了呀?这可是新鲜事,去留学还是去工作? LS明年就最后一年了,正忙着GRE的一切战前工作,最近也忙得蛋疼,LZ当初考GRE了没?

26.08.2009, UCL Qualifying Round 2nd leg, Arsenal 3 - 1 Celtic @ Emirates Stadium 28' Eduardo G(PK), 53' Eboue G, 74' Arshavin G(Ramsey A), 92' Donati G 又是一无图版的,bbc,我实在是估不到你呀 Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger refused to condemn striker Eduardo afterhe came under fire from Celtic's players in the Champions League clashat the Emirates. Celtic claimed Eduardo dived to win a penalty after a clash withgoalkeeper Artur Boruc, recovering to set Arsenal on the way to a 3-1win. Arsenal's victory sent them into the Champions League group stage. "I do not want a penalty which is not a penalty, but I do not go as far to say Eduardo dived," said Wenger. "From outside I must say it looked a penalty, but having seen it again on television, it doesn't look to be a penalty. "ButI must still say that we were likely always to score the first goalbecause Eduardo had a great chance before the penalty and we alwayslooked in control of the game.                           "I believe really that it was not a penalty but I am also not surethat the keeper didn't touch him with his right knee, having seen itagain. "He went down, for what reason I do not know. But I do not think he would have complained if the penalty was not given. "Isit acceptable? I never asked in my life any guy to dive to win apenalty but sometimes the players go down because there is no other wayto escape the tackling of the keeper. Sometimes they dive." Wengerrecalled the painful Champions League defeat against Liverpool in 2008when he said: "We got a penalty two years ago in the quarter-final ofthe Champions League at Liverpool that made the difference when RyanBabel dived, nobody ever apologised to us, it was a blatant dive andnobody spoke about it." He was delighted with the performanceand result - believing it was the perfect preparation for Saturdayevening's trip to Manchester United. Wenger said: "We are now in the top, top league in Europe, with allthe big names. Our team here was an average age of 23.9 years. Thatmeans if we can get out of the group stage, then in six months we canbe even stronger. "That is what we want to focus on, tocontinue to improve our team play, the speed of our game and show thatwe have made big improvements come Saturday at 5.15. I am happy to goto Old Trafford because it is the first big, big test. "Youwant always to have a high level of confidence when you go to OldTrafford, we have that at the moment. For us it is most important torecover physically because Manchester United did not play in the LeagueCup tonight." 继续找有图版
最后编辑Guy 最后编辑于 2009-08-27 13:38:45
Got sun in my face, sleeping rough on the road.
I'll tell you all about it, when I get home.

应该没认错吧,是不是我当初发邮件说guy pearce长得很像莫文蔚的那个大哥? LZ原来要去轴心国的另外一头啊,那边AV业也很发达哇,可以考虑下,啥时候学的德语?当我们后知后觉对于英语的掌握还仅仅是皮毛的时候,LZ已经开始研习另外一门高深的语言了……牛比得不行了 我的G好痛苦,两周前刚刚下定决心要考,然后一看学期课程表发现留给自己的时间太少兴许下个月就要考,真正的抓狂了
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